White Ribbon Leadership Changes

White Ribbon Canada
3 min readJul 19, 2017


After 11½ years of dedicated leadership, Todd Minerson, our Executive Director and CEO is moving on to pursue a new career opportunity. This was Todd’s choice, and the board fully supports his decision.

The organization has never been in a stronger position, in large part due to the efforts of Todd and his team over the past decade. We are very grateful for his guidance, and know his passion and dedication in the effort to engage men and boys in preventing violence against women is something he will always carry with him.

I am delighted to announce a new leadership team that brings expertise, commitment, and continuity to all our relationships, programs, and activities.

The following appointments will become effective August 5, 2017.

Humberto Carolo will move from Managing Director of White Ribbon, to Acting Executive Director of White Ribbon.

Chi Nguyen will move from Managing Director of Parker P. Consulting, to Acting CEO of Parker P. Consulting.

The ability to immediately promote Humberto and Chi into these roles is an incredible prospect for both White Ribbon, and Parker P. It allows for a seamless transition for our staff, community partners, funders and clients. And while they both bring deep knowledge and passion for the work we do at White Ribbon and Parker P, they are also both highly skilled and experienced individuals outside of those roles.

Humberto is currently the Board Chair of Abrigo Centre, was the co-founder of the North American MenEngage Network (NAMEN), and was a Diverse City Fellow among other accomplishments. Humberto has been critical to the growth and impact of White Ribbon over the past 12 years, working on a broad range of our program initiatives, and sharing his expertise in over 20 countries around the world.

A lifelong advocate for women’s equality, Chi has been awarded the prestigious Governor-General’s Award in Commemoration of the People’s Case, and the YWCA Woman of Distinction award. She helped start the Toronto City Women’s Alliance, and Chaired the Board of the Canadian Women’s Health Network. As Managing Director of Parker P., she has been instrumental in getting our start-up social enterprise off the ground, leading complex consulting projects with clients like McGill University, Barrick Gold, and the Lassonde School of Engineering.

In speaking with Todd, I know that one of the biggest factors in his timing around this transition is the confidence he has with our Board’s appointments of Chi and Humberto as the new leadership team. We are grateful for Todd’s leadership and contributions, and I know Todd remains a supporter of White Ribbon, Parker P. and the critical work we do. We look forward to staying in touch with Todd in the years to come.

Personally, I am thrilled these two passionate gender justice advocates, with a great and intimate knowledge of the work we do, will lead us into our next phase of exciting growth.

So please join us in welcoming Chi and Humberto into their new roles. Please stay tuned, as we are planning to celebrate Humberto and Chi, and their new assignments, in the near future.

Until the violence stops -

Jeff Feiner

Chair, White Ribbon Board of Directors
Member, Parker P. Consulting Board of Directors

To read the official press release, please visit:

For more information, please contact:

Originally published at White Ribbon.

