Four steps you should take to have a successful alcoholic intervention

2 min readAug 24, 2018

If there is something that is distasteful to watch is seeing someone’s life get blown away by substance abuse. One of the most common substances to be abused is alcohol, and people who abuse it tend to take it lightly. If this continues friends and family tend to intervene, and they do so with an alcohol intervention.

As with all innervations, an alcoholic intervention is a meeting which is professionally led and is meant to air out concerns about someone’s detrimental drinking behaviors. The fundamental reason for alcohol intervention is to persuade someone with alcohol problems to seek professional help.

In this article, we are going to focus on how you can conduct an effective alcoholic intervention without scaring or coming off like you are blaming the person in question.

Plan for it
An alcoholic intervention will not be successful if it’s done impromptu. It should be planned for. Each family member should know what to say, so every family member and friend that is going to be at this intervention should be notified in advance.

Show that you are concerned
To really have an effective alcoholic convention you should be able to show that you have good intentions at heart and you care for the person in question’s well-being. The key here is to express your feelings and don’t attack the person going through alcohol abuse. You can use words like, l am concerned about, and l love you and care about you.

Be supportive
Any form of change is a process that isn’t easy at all, even entertaining that thought can be something that will require a lot of wheel power and emotional support. An alcoholic intervention should show that it’s coming from a place of love. It’s not the time to be confrontative, you don’t want this person to feel like he is the black sheep amongst you. With that said any word said at this alcoholic intervention should not hint any confrontation what so ever.

Provide Solutions to the alcohol problem
The whole process is to make sure that you loved one get to change his/her current behaviors, so you should offer viable solutions to the alcohol abuse problem. This will go a long way in making the person feel not attacked or blamed.

There you go folks, a few crucial steps that you ought to implement in order to have an effective alcohol intervention. Good luck.

Recovery Centre at White River
Jatinga road, plaston, white river 1240, South Africa
+27 76 350 9868

