How to Use Social Media Marketing for Your Freelance Business

Deborah White, White Wings Media
5 min readMar 15, 2023

Social media marketing for your freelance business isn’t as hard as it sounds. But it is your job as a freelancer and small business owner to find out where your target audience hangs out and create a community. Then an audience becomes a devoted tribe!

Marketing small businesses on social media can be an incredibly powerful tool for businesses and freelancers alike. There are 4.2 billion active social media users and each of those users spends 2.5 hours a day cruising around social media.

With the right strategies in place, you can build an engaged audience of loyal followers who are eager to interact with the brand. By finding the right channels, creating content tailored to the target audience, and engaging with followers, businesses, and freelancers can build a devoted tribe of customers who will promote their products or services.

What is Social Media Marketing for Small Business and How Does it Help?

Social media marketing can drive traffic to a website, generate leads, and even convert sales. It is an online marketing strategy that involves posting content on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to attract people to your website. Social media marketing is a highly effective way of getting the word out about your business and driving traffic to your website.

One popular strategy is to create a presence on multiple social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. This allows businesses to reach a wider audience. They can also use social media to run contests or giveaways to increase engagement and generate leads.

63% of customers expect businesses to offer customer service through social media. — G2

5 Essential Tips to Get Started with Social Media Marketing

  1. Set your social media goals. Before you start implementing social media marketing for small business, it’s crucial to set some long-term goals for what you want out of the process. You should determine which metrics are most important for evaluating the success of your social media activities and make sure that you’re measuring those in the first place. Then you’ll know where to invest your time and resources to see the greatest ROI.
  2. Choose a platform. Different platforms offer distinct features and reach different audiences, so it’s important to consider your target market and which platform they are most likely to be on. Popular platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube are good places to start, but there are many other options as well, such as TikTok, Snapchat, and LinkedIn. For the last 3 years, TikTok has enjoyed a massive engagement rate with their audience of 4.25%, followed by Instagram at 0.60%, Facebook at 0.15%, and Twitter at 0.05%.
  3. Think about your target audience. What is their demographic? Who do they live near? And where are they most active online? With this information in hand, you can start planning posts for the platform based on what people like the most and what will interest them the most. If your target audience is older people, consider using Facebook, which offers active communities for seniors.
  4. Set realistic expectations about what you can accomplish and how long it will take. Setting realistic expectations is essential to any successful social media marketing campaign. Factors such as budget, target audience, and the type of content being created all play a role in setting realistic expectations for a social media marketing campaign. By understanding these limitations and setting realistic expectations from the start, marketers can ensure they are not setting themselves up for failure.
  5. Measure your success. Measuring the success of your social media marketing campaign is essential for understanding what works and what doesn’t. You can use a variety of tools to measure the success of your social media marketing campaign. These include analytics platforms, surveys, customer feedback forms, and A/B testing tools. By looking at all these data points together, you can better understand how well your campaigns are performing and what changes need to be made to improve them.

Why Small Businesses Fail at Social Media Marketing

Starting a successful social media campaign can be tricky, as there are many potential pitfalls to avoid. Common mistakes people make when launching a new social media campaign include:

  1. They don’t have a plan for measuring the success of their campaign. Every successful marketing campaign needs a plan for measuring success. Without a plan to evaluate progress and track the results of your efforts, it’s impossible to know how well your campaign is performing or what changes you may need to make. Detailed analytics and data-driven insights must be used to assess the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimize them for maximum success.
  2. They don’t post consistently because they don’t know what to post. Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses, but it’s often difficult to know what content to post and how often. Businesses can miss out on potential customers and engagement without a consistent posting schedule. Posting content nearly every day is key to driving more engagement. This usually means uploading about 7–10 posts per week.
  3. They aren’t engaging with the community that follows them in a meaningful way. You can remedy this by effectively communicating with your audience, responding to questions and comments, and creating content that resonates with them. Doing so will help ensure that you remain connected to your community while also building and nurturing relationships with them.
  4. They aren’t making any progress, so they give up too soon and call it quits. Giving up too soon is a common problem many people face when trying to achieve their goals. It can be incredibly discouraging when progress is slow or nonexistent, and it can lead to giving up before one has had the chance to reach their objectives.
  5. They are all over social media, but no one is seeing their posts. As social media grows in popularity, it has become more difficult to stand out from the crowd and get noticed. Unfortunately, many users find their posts are not receiving the desired level of engagement and visibility. This is a common problem faced by many social media users and it is often because of a lack of understanding of how to use the platform effectively for maximum results.

White Wings Media can help you create content that will engage your audience and drive meaningful results. We offer a range of services, from content creation, SEO, and social media posts, that can help you create content that resonates with your target market. Sign up for our newsletter today for free marketing tips and exclusive content, and get our Social Media Hacktastics eBook as a sign up bonus! With White Wings Media at your side, you can take your content to the next level.



Deborah White, White Wings Media

Deborah has been ghostwriting for the SaaS/PaaS, Marketing, and Career industries. Check out my new Email Strategies eBook here