How to Deal with MAGAts
A MAGAt is a brain-dead admirer of Donald Trump & his slogan, Make America Great Again. In dealing with MAGAts, it’s best to understand how they are formed. A large number of them have overdosed on right-wing propaganda spewed out by Trump, Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Alex Jones and other right-wing maggots.
Most MAGAts are unshakably attached to Trump’s hateful and ignorant ideology due to their diet of disinformation, propaganda and bigotry. It is unlikely that you can say anything in a short or long conversation that could overcome the flood of bullshit that MAGAts have consumed over a long period of time.
You will be frustrated if you find yourself in a political discussion with a MAGAt in the hope of changing their mind. You might be tempted to punch the MAGAt in the face. If you have a gun, you might want even to shoot one of them. You might want to say something like, “Fuck you and the horse you road in on,” or, “you’re a fucking idiot fascist.” Resorting to violence, whether in word or deed, is not going to help matters. It won’t change anyone’s mind. It will only make things worse. It will make you feel bad. It will make you look bad. MAGAts are more likely to be armed than we are. Escalating a conflict could get you killed, injured, imprisoned or in some other trouble. Don’t go there.
We can effectively deal with most MAGAts through silence, ignoring, delaying our response, distracting ourselves, escaping from the conversation and deflecting. No matter how offensive, annoying or frustrating our dealings with a particular MAGAt are, it’s temporary. If we delay responding to the offensive person, the situation will eventually subside. When we ignore political discussions of the MAGA doctrine, MAGAts naturally will lose interest in us. They will then move on to another subject or find another person with whom to share their ignorant views.
Depending on the individual, deflection with humor can sometimes be a good strategy. When a MAGAt provokes, I sometimes respond, “It’s Mueller Time” or “Mueller is coming.” This is discouraging to MAGAts. It’s enjoyable to discourage them.
There is no need to agree with MAGAts or contradict them. Rather than contradicting the MAGAt, we can wisely observe, “Time will tell.”
Trump’s ignorance has spread across America like a wildfire. It will eventually burn out. We can extinguish it more quickly if we respond to this ignornance with wisdom and compassion.