Abortion Is Murder by Jill Whiting

Jill Whiting Prolific Writer
3 min readJan 3, 2023



The picture above  is an example of what is being murdered


Did you ever wonder why your children are not meeting Mr. or Ms. Right that God planned to have in their life? Could that soul mate you are longing to meet your family not even be on this planet because of an evil act called Abortion?

This results from the evil-spirited flesh participating in the act of murder called Abortion. Playing God is a dangerous occupation, and it needs to stop. The soul mate God planned for you to bond with was cut short by evildoers playing God.

North America Holocaust

Abortion is the North American Holocaust or, more specifically, an act of Genocide. Children are the future, and without children, there is no future, as it brings the human race to an end at the hands of evil people.

Shortage Of Workers

There is a shortage of workers in many industries, especially in the hospitality business, where youth is relied on to fill positions as bartenders, waiters, and waitresses. Fast food and full service is usually the first job working with the general public, which can be a highly transferrable skill in getting to know people. With Abortion being an act of Genocide, there is a shortage of humans applying for jobs, and I do believe Abortion is to blame for many of the needs we face today. The hospitality industry has always been geared towards youth and gives high school students their first shot at employment and working with the general public.

I do not understand why corporations like THE FAST FOOD GIANTS are not speaking up to stop Abortion. It is clear that they need people to work in their restaurants, but Abortion is creating a demographic shortage of youth to fill these positions and many other industries. The fast-food industry could be a significant player in ending Abortion by stepping up to the plate and telling the government to stop this evil market by putting it bankrupt.

Tax Payers Stuck with The Bill

Taxpayers are footing the bill for Abortion. Are taxpayers aware that the tax dollars are being spent in such an evil way to pay for Abortion when the money could be used to pay the debt down?

The information below is from the Campaign Coalition Website. You can go there to read more and see how you can participate in stopping the evil act called Abortion.



Canadian taxpayers fund at least $80 million every year for the killing of children in the womb.


There is a severe shortage of family doctors, nurses and funding for elder care and treatment of autistic children across Canada.


Abortion is an elective procedure that is not medically necessary.


Over 96% of abortions are performed for convenience as a backup birth control method.

Are you ok with that?


I suggest you write your member of parliament to insist that this act of killing be stopped. By not speaking up, nothing happens, so please send a letter to your member of parliament.

If you like what you have been reading, please follow me to read more about the truth in today's world.https://medium.com/@whitingj42/abortion-is-murder-by-jill-whiting-6c1ce10917a9

Thank you, and stay safe.



Jill Whiting Prolific Writer

Hi I worked on the front line as well as phone work including market research I am a prolific writer . I am direct and straight to the point.