Inverting the Pyramid of Power

James Patterson
4 min readMar 13, 2023


Power and control in society is often depicted as a pyramid, with people at the lowest level and councils and governments at higher ones, every level with more authority than the one beneath it.

a pyramid with people at the bottom, then Local Councils, national government and ultra. Power shown to increase btm to top
Usual Power structure

This is an inaccurate representation. In reality, power is and always has been, the sovereignty of the people, enshrined in the Bill of Rights Act 1689. We have accepted a false image that implies the power of government is over the people, rather than delegated by them. When the pyramid is redrawn, talking of delegating power to councils, to governments, we can clearly see the truth that power always came from the people.

same pyramid inverted showing power flows from the people
Power is greatest with people

The idea of people controlling their government is at the core of democracy. It is the essential underpinning of the Western political philosophy and is even revered beyond it. This is why it’s essential to understand that we shouldn’t buy into the concept of the pyramid, which implicitly shows that the people are subject to the government. Instead, we need to recognize that we are the ultimate power holders, that Councils and Governments are not our overlords, but instead are merely administrators, and are the servants of the people.

This is already enshrined in law. We need no laws changing to enact this return to natural law, we need to remember our collective authority and simply exert it, peacefully and lawfully.

simply the word HOW?

But How?

Step 1 is to recover the diagram that has the people at the top, and shows the delegation of power to Councils and Governments, simply by inverting it. With it, goes the language of passing problems and challenges downwards to the local Council to resolve for us and the local Council passing things down to Government when issues need national discussion and agreement.

Step 2 is to wake the people and remind or teach them the truth. This is the REAL meaning of wokeness. Those who think they have power, and certainly have influence, have been taking concepts like “WOKE” and helpfully (for them) have defined them for us to mean something other, and then fomenting discord until the original concept is so lost in bitterness that the truth is irredeemably destroyed. We must return to the original concept of WOKE and wake the people.

Step 3 is to help the people understand their rights and responsibilities under natural law. With great power comes great responsibility, and we have not been taught what this means. Decades, maybe even centuries, of indoctrination and slow manipulation of the schools systems have eroded this understanding. Successive generations, by deliberate acts of omission and commission have been taught that they should let go of power and enjoy a reduction in their responsibilities, to let others take the strain of both; it seemed like a great idea. In reality, it was the drip, drip, drip of erosion. Over time, each drip got us closer to the Grand Canyon of a split from reality.

photo of grand canyon, people on one side, reality on the other

Step 4 New structures that suit the proper rule of natural law must be allowed to develop organically starting in the local area. This means that a woke people need to dismantle the existing structures and they must be guided to do so within natural law and not anarchically. Evolution, not revolution.

All the time: Whilst working on steps 1 to 4 it will be important to remember that we are where we are by manipulation over a very long time; it won’t be perfect overnight. It is much more important to keep the principle that every change should grow from local people and be implemented by persuasion and not compulsion. That is the only requirement of natural law. Nothing must introduce more discrimination and divide us into “us” (we who have) and “them” (who have not). Nothing that favours one individual or institution over others. Nothing that casts aspersions over the mechanics of localism. All people are equally sovereign and should enjoy the quiet exercise that sovereignty with all its responsibilities. This takes time. A lot of time. Another outcome from our sustained systemic abuse is our impatience, and our drive to get things done. We can learn patience.

the word Summary


The power of society is held, not by the governments or councils at the top of a pyramid, but by the people who have rights enshrined in law. The concept of democracy requires understanding that people control their government and that administrators are their servants, not their rulers. There are four steps to recover this truth and embrace natural law, beginning with inverting the pyramid and waking the people. We must teach them their responsibilities as power holders, dismantle and replace existing structures as they understand their rights, and remain patient as the process will take generations and cannot be rushed.

The best time to start this process was decades ago; the second best time is now.



James Patterson

Old enough to know better, daft enough to do it anyway. AKA: whizzyuk (many places), and @FloatingVoter in a few others