How a Top Realtor and Business Owner Uses ChatGPT in Real Estate: Interview with Missy Plunkett

Edward Lewis
5 min readJun 28, 2024


Missy Plunkett is a distinguished Realtor and lifestyle consultant with a thriving practice in South Carolina and Tennessee. Known for her exceptional client service and deep market knowledge, Missy has built a reputation as a top-performing agent in the region. Beyond her real estate career, she owns multiple successful businesses, leveraging her entrepreneurial spirit and innovative approach to achieve remarkable success. Missy’s expertise extends to utilizing cutting-edge technologies like ChatGPT to enhance her operations, setting her apart as a forward-thinking leader in the industry.

Real Estate:

As someone deeply involved in the real estate industry, I’ve had the pleasure of meeting many successful professionals, but Missy Plunkett stands out. Not only is she a top Realtor in South Carolina and Tennessee, but she also owns multiple flourishing businesses, and still finds time for balance in her life. During our conversation, I was blown away by Missy’s advanced use of ChatGPT in her real estate practice. Her innovative approach and practical applications of AI were so impressive that we extended our interview into a two-part series. In this first part, you’ll get a glimpse into how Missy integrates ChatGPT into her daily operations, enhancing efficiency and personalization. Stay tuned for the second half, in the next issue, where we’ll dive deeper into her strategies and success stories.

Interviewer: Hi Missy, thank you for joining us today. As a successful Realtor and lifestyle consultant in South Carolina and Tennessee, how has ChatGPT integrated into your daily real estate operations?

Missy Plunkett: Thank you for having me! ChatGPT has become an invaluable tool in my business. It’s like having an extra assistant who’s available 24/7. I use it for a variety of tasks, and it’s been a real game-changer that saves me so much time at work and in my personal life.

Interviewer: Could you give us some examples of how you use ChatGPT in your daily tasks?

Missy Plunkett: Absolutely. One of the primary ways I use ChatGPT is for generating and refining listing descriptions. Before ChatGPT, writing a compelling property description could take hours, but now I can generate a high-quality draft in about 20 minutes. This efficiency allows me to focus on other important aspects of my job, like client meetings and property showings. Overall, this saves me about 4 hours a week, which adds up to 16 hours a month!

A completely different example that comes to mind is when working with buyers that have specific criteria in mind, say, school zoning, a swimming pool, or other characteristics. I’m able to input these into ChatGPT and get not only facts that would otherwise take me much longer to assemble, but also a creative sounding board for alternatives and ideas that I hadn’t considered. ChatGPT brings ideas to the table.

Interviewer: That sounds incredibly efficient and I’ve had a similar experience with the ingenuity that ChatGPT brings. Are there other areas where ChatGPT has proven to be beneficial?

Missy Plunkett: Definitely. Another area is client communications. I use ChatGPT to draft emails and messages, ensuring they are personalized and professional. Whether it’s a follow-up email after a property viewing or a newsletter to my client list, ChatGPT helps me maintain a high level of engagement without spending hours on writing. On average, I save about 4 hours a week on email communications alone, allowing me to handle more clients effectively. I feel that the communications are an even better representation of me, ironically, compared to when I draft them unaided. They come across in my voice and in a professional manner that sometimes I struggle with when writing unaided.

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Interviewer: Personalization is key in real estate. How does ChatGPT assist you with that?

Missy Plunkett: Indeed, personalization is crucial. ChatGPT can help tailor emails by incorporating details about past interactions or specific client preferences. For example, if a client mentioned they love modern kitchens, ChatGPT can help me draft a message highlighting properties with those features. I can load a set of past communications with that client, and since ChatGPT doesn’t forget, I get recommendations on a personalized approach that has increased my client response rate by almost 30%. ChatGPT is picking up on things that I’ve since forgotten. The memory function is game-changing.

Interviewer: Efficiency and personalization definitely are vital. How has ChatGPT helped you save time in other aspects of your business so you can focus on higher-value activities?

Missy Plunkett: Beyond writing, I use ChatGPT for market research and data analysis. It can quickly pull together market trends, analyze property values, and even forecast future market conditions based on historical data. This allows me to provide informed advice to my clients and stay ahead in the competitive market. For instance, generating a detailed market report used to take me a full day, but with ChatGPT, it’s done in just a couple of hours and the quality is better.

I can upload vast amounts of data and have ChatGPT analyze neighborhoods, properties that have sold, geofarming, input stats on recent sales. Then query scenarios around that, identify all the addresses that meet a certain criteria, plus there’s the ability to analyze the current market to identify the best lead generation. Ultimately this saves me so much time. Decreased effort equals more time to sell, equals more sales.

Interviewer: Wow, you’re heavily utilizing the memory functions of ChatGPT. Tell me more about how you use ChatGPT to amplify your creativity.

Missy Plunkett: The best streamlined example I can give is when I want to profile, say, a neighborhood or create a brochure. I feed requisite data into ChatGPT and iterate until we have the description of the desired output. Then I take that to a tool like Canva and input it into Canva’s Magic Design, and moments later I’ve got a high-quality output to work with. It’s usually higher quality than I could achieve on my own, and in about a third of the time.

Missy’s innovative use of ChatGPT has undoubtedly set her apart in the real estate industry, and her insights are invaluable for anyone looking to leverage AI in their business. But this is just the beginning. In the next issue, we’ll explore even more of Missy’s strategies, including some remarkable success stories and her predictions for the future of AI in real estate. You won’t want to miss it! Stay tuned for part two of our interview with Missy Plunkett in the next newsletter issue.



Edward Lewis

Founder | Advisor | CEO | Board Member | Author | 2x Exits | Transformation | Growth | AI Enthusiast