Understanding: The Pathway to Truth

3 min readAug 18, 2023

_”Truth comes when you understand…”_ This simple yet profound statement encapsulates an enduring philosophical paradigm that has intrigued and guided thinkers, scholars, and spiritual practitioners for centuries. The quest for truth is a journey that often commences with curiosity, navigates through a maze of delusions, and finally culminates in understanding. But what does understanding truly mean? And how does it facilitate the revelation of truth?

Understanding, in its essence, is a process of comprehending, assimilating, and internalizing information, concepts, or experiences. It is the process by which we make sense of the world around us. Understanding is not merely about accumulating knowledge; it’s about being able to discern, decode, and derive meaning from that knowledge.

The statement, _”Truth comes when you understand,”_ implies that truth is not an external entity to be sought or obtained. Instead, it’s a revelation that emerges from within when we comprehend the essence of our experiences, our thoughts, and our perceptions. It is a state of enlightenment that manifests only when we pierce through the veils of ignorance and misconception. This revelation is not borne of struggle or effort, but of calm and clear understanding.

Delusion, often considered the antithesis of truth, is a complex web of misconceptions, illusions, and distorted perceptions that obscure our understanding. We are entangled in these nets of delusion, ensnared by our own misconceptions and preconceived notions. These delusions bind us, creating a false perception of reality that makes us believe we are trapped and need redemption.

Yet, these delusions, these nets that bind us, are merely constructs of our own thoughts. They are not real, but we perceive them to be because of our lack of understanding. Once we realize this, we can begin to see these delusions for what they truly are: figments of our own creation. Our task is not to fight against these delusions, but to understand them. In understanding, we realize the fallacy of our delusions, and they dissolve, leaving behind the truth.

The journey toward understanding and truth is not one of struggle and effort, but of calm observation and comprehension. It requires us to be still, to quiet the turbulence of our thoughts, and to observe our perceptions without judgment. In this stillness, we can see our thoughts for what they are: just thoughts, neither good nor bad, neither true nor false. This perspective enables us to understand our thoughts rather than being entrapped by them.

In conclusion, understanding is the pathway to truth. It is the process by which we discern the reality from the illusions, the essence from the superficial, the truth from the delusions. It is a journey inward, a journey of self-discovery, and a journey of enlightenment. By understanding our perceptions, our experiences, and our thoughts, we can dissolve the nets of delusion that bind us and reveal the truth that lies within.




Religious philosopher, Author of Metaphysical Books. Member of the Circle of Light, Inspirer of Esoterism Studies Foundation, Founder of the Esoterism Academy.