The Advantages of Using Acrylic or Polycarbonate for Greenhouse Glazing Rather Than Glass

Wholesale Pos
3 min readSep 20, 2019


Over the years, Acrylic and Polycarbonate have become increasingly popular to replace broken panes or to glaze Greenhouses and looks promising to eliminate Glass as the main material used for this.

Replacement Greenhouse Glazing

Better Insulation

The most important aspect of Acrylic and Polycarbonate sheets is that both provide your greenhouse with better insulation properties than the regular glass panels do. Plastic has better heat retention properties than glass, which means less heat is lost through the Acrylic or Polycarbonate panels than that of Glass. This means that overall; Acrylic and Polycarbonate greenhouses carry a higher average temperature than greenhouses that are fitted with Glass. This is a key essential as this keeps the contents inside the replacement of greenhouse glazing warmer through the colder periods, and is much more cost-effective to run.

Longer Lasting

The characteristics of Acrylic and clear polycarbonate sheets mean that both materials will last longer over time. Both Polycarbonate and Acrylic are stronger than Glass, which enables the material to take much more damage before it gives way as Glass would. As both Acrylic and Polycarbonate are lighter than the equivalent Glass panels, it is much easier to handle and to also fit to the Greenhouse. Glass is a very complex material, so when it comes to handling and fitting into a greenhouse, a lot of skill and attention is required, therefore a lot of the time this is done by professional fitters. When using Acrylic or Polycarbonate, because of the weight of the material, this makes any repairs much easier and simpler as these can be carried out by you, without having the worry of any damage or breakages happening.


Plastic such as Acrylic and Polycarbonate can withstand any impacts from footballs or anything which could potentially cause damage, without any signs of weakening or potential damage occurring. Either of these materials is ideal if you have children or a family.

Better Light Transmission and UV-Protection

Both Acrylic (92% roughly) and Polycarbonate (90% roughly) has a higher light transmission than Glass (89% roughly), which means the light will spread more evenly throughout the greenhouse with Plastic Panels fitted. This is key for the growth of Plants or Vegetables as the area of the Greenhouse will obtain an equal amount of natural daylight and sunlight. Polycarbonate is a UV resistant material, which means this would protect your plants from any excessiveness to harmful radiation.

Extended Growing Season

Acrylic and Polycarbonate panels both have a significant impact on the overall performance of a greenhouse and its contents, which primarily leads to a prolonged or extended growing season. This allows you to get more from your plants and vegetables all year round without having to worry about the colder periods. Having an extended growing season will allow you to harvest more vegetables or fruits, as well as getting the most from your plants.

Wider Variety of Shapes and Sizes Available

When using Acrylic or clear polycarbonate sheet for a greenhouse, the main benefit of this would be that both materials come in a much wider variety of different sizes and shapes than to that of Glass, as well as standard sizes. Here at Wholesale POS, we can offer both materials up to 3050mm x 2030mm, and in a variety of different thicknesses. We also offer Custom Cut-to-Size, as well as offering a bespoke cutting service for the different shapes that may be required. For any help or for a quotation, please contact us.



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