OnCarrot Review — Real Estate Agent Website Builder

Wholesaling Houses
4 min readDec 20, 2022
OnCarrot Review, Best Real Estate Agent Website Builder

If you’re looking for a way to make your real estate agent website more efficient, you should check out OnCarrot. This software offers a full back-end lead management system for your website. Plus, it comes with a built-in SEO keyword grader to help you rank for the keywords you want to target.

Content marketing is the fuel that feeds Google

Content marketing is a form of marketing where a brand uses digital media to reach potential customers. Its purpose is to provide value to the audience. It has become an important part of digital marketing.

With the right strategy and tools, you can create great content that drives traffic and improves SEO. The best kind of content will answer a question, solve a problem, or inform prospective customers.

Creating content that is relevant and useful for your audience is a smart move. There are many tools that help you find and analyze trending topics.

Google Trends is a great source of data. You can use it to identify the top keywords for your industry and see what the search volume is like.

Google also has an algorithm that assesses the quality of webpage content. You can boost your SEO by incorporating on-page optimization techniques. In addition, content marketing can be a source of links to your website.

SEO keyword grader comes standard in Carrot

Having a good website isn’t the only thing that matters, you need to get traffic to it. One of the most effective ways to drive more traffic to your website is to get it in the hands of more buyers and sellers. You can accomplish this by getting it to show up in search results for your chosen keywords. It’s also a matter of implementing some SEO best practices. For instance, you’ll want to have your pages optimized for mobile devices, because a whopping 58% of your prospects are on the go these days. Thankfully, the team at Carrot have got your back. Aside from their web presence, they’ve got a host of resources to make your job easier.

The company boasts a hefty suite of tools and features to help you grow your business, from web hosting to lead generating services. For example, you can use their site to set up a Google My Business listing, which is an ideal way to advertise your service to other local real estate agents. The company also has a number of marketing and advertising templates that you can customize according to your needs.

Full back-end lead management system

A full back-end lead management system is one of the most essential components of a real estate investor website. This will help you keep track of leads as they move from inquiry to closed deal.

When it comes to choosing a real estate agent website builder, there are several options to consider. Some perform better than others. Some offer a one-and-done solution, while others offer a range of options. This article will outline some of the best choices.

Carrot is an all-in-one solution that helps real estate agents generate and manage leads. It has a simple, intuitive editor that requires no coding experience. It provides a fully mobile-friendly design that will boost your conversions. It also has a content marketing area that includes SEO-optimized blog posts and schedules.

It is a full back-end lead management system that allows you to store, track, and send leads in one place. It also has a yearly plan to help you nurture your leads.


For many real estate agents, a website is the number one priority. But having a website that performs well is no easy feat. Unless you’re an experienced web designer, you might find that your site doesn’t generate the leads you’re hoping for.

Fortunately, there are services out there that can help you build a high-converting website without much hassle. You can choose from several options, from a free website builder such as Wix, to a paid solution such as Squarespace.

There are also website builders that specialize in the real estate industry. One example is Investor Carrot, which offers WordPress websites built specifically for real estate investors. The websites are engineered to perform, based on a combination of research and data.

As a matter of fact, Investor Carrot has generated over two million leads. This includes lead generation, as well as content writing and CRM. The platform is also customizable and easy to use.



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