Being Your True Authentic Self…Is It Taboo?

Tennille Lindsay
2 min readFeb 27, 2016


I often wonder what people are saying about me behind the scenes because I often put my thoughts out there on social media for all the world to see and when I do, I’m exposing a piece of myself, putting myself up for judgement.

That’s what humans do, they comment and judge people. Most of the time it’s because they feel bad about themselves or the life choices they have made, so they are shining the light on someone else so they feel better, they find something to pick and talk about with other people. I wish I could say I don’t care but if your an emotional heart person who is sensitive to how others feel, you feel everything. It sometimes makes your days so hard and long but it’s also beautiful to be able to pick up on how others are feeling and be there for them.

So next time you see a post or hear someone talking that’s made you roll your eyes, smirk or want to go tell someone so you can have a giggle session, if your feeling you want to break down what they are saying, doing or wearing and discuss it at great lengths with someone in a negative way, ask yourself why? Why does it even matter? What is it that threatens you that you feel compelled to comment or think negatively about them? Let it go and feel the freedom, eventually those thoughts will no longer enter your head and you will notice a change in yourself. I know I have started to notice this in myself as I now pull myself up if I want to pick at someone and if I see a person that dresses differently to everyone else now (and some I have seen recently have been quite adventurous in their clothing) I have turned to the person with me and said ‘Wow! How amazing it would be to be that free!’ I’m in awe as I care too much and would look awkward if I tried to be that out there but these people just look so comfortable!

Have a beautiful and blessed day and try something a little out of the norm for yourself….it could be the beginning of something beautiful.

~Tennille ✨💖✨



Tennille Lindsay

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