Fatai Kasali
6 min readApr 30, 2024

5 Online Businesses You should be doing as 9–5er looking for extra Income

Photo by Desola Lanre-Ologun on Unsplash

First of all, remove the idea that your salary is more than enough to take care of your expenses.

Even the richest man in Africa doesn’t have only one source of income.

I have seen a man who works in one of the biggest known oil firms. However, after retirement, he only depends on his pension, which is not enough to pay for the expenses at home as his children are still in university and other bills are there to be taken care of.

And, of course, the economy of things is skyrocketing by the day; for instance, the price of a loaf of bread today is 4X compared to a few months ago.

If he had started a side business while still working, that would have provided an extra income for him.

So don’t be like that man who will wait for retirement before thinking of a business to invest in.

Why online business: because it is easy to combine with your 9–5 work without interference.

  • It can be automated, meaning you don’t have to be available 24/7 to make money online.
  • It can be done anytime and anywhere, even while on vacation.
  • You don’t need a physical location to start; your smartphone can be enough to set it up.
  • You don’t need to see or know your customers before they can patronize you.
  • You don’t need to have the goods or even services to provide before you can make money.
  • And many more advantages that you will discover yourself.

All thanks to the Digital and information age, providing us with resources, tools and technology that have made it easy to carry out these activities.

The digital age has opened up a world of opportunities for ambitious individuals like yourself to start online businesses and generate extra income.

Mind you; there are also cons to engaging in online activities, like engaging in Ponzi, get-rich-quick schemes, which can lead you to be scammed of your money.

However, if you can invest in yourself by learning and carrying out proper research before venturing into any online business of your choice, trust me, you will not get burnt.

There are many online businesses you can venture into, considering your lifestyle as a 9–5er; the following 5 are easy and simple to do if you learn how-to. Numbers 4 and 5 are the easiest.

Photo by Windows on Unsplash
  1. Freelancing: As a 9–5 employee, you have a skill you are offering your employer. That is the reason they employed you. Do you know you can make money online with that same skill you are offering to your employer without affecting your productivity at work?

Besides, you can do these at your schedule and your rate. You can determine the amount of money you will be paid for offering such a service.

For instance, if you are a graphic designer, there are people around the world looking for someone to design flyers, banners, magazines, and calendars on freelancing platforms. Imagine making money on a weekly basis for as many clients as you can handle.

It will surprise you that you will make more than your monthly salary in a week if you master how to navigate the freelancing platforms and get clients to patronize you.

There are a lot of freelancing platforms that you can join to offer your skills. Popular among them are Fiverr, Upwork and Freelancer. Don’t take your skills for granted. After all, you work with and utilize them every day. Leverage your existing skills, build a portfolio to attract clients, and establish yourself as a reputable freelancer in your industry.

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

2. Training and Consulting: You are knowledgeable in a particular subject or field. You can be a project manager, a data analyst, a safety officer, an accountant, a teacher, a business analyst, or a security expert.

Whatever field you belong to, you can monetize this knowledge of yours through training or consultancy. Leverage your professional years of experience and use it to train or consult for businesses and companies that need them.

For instance, as an electrical engineer who specializes in the installation of transformers, a company may consult you to train their in-house engineers on how to maintain a transformer.

As an accountant, you can be consulted to help businesses to balance their accounts. You don’t need to be physically present to do these activities. Platforms like Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet make it easy to conduct virtual sessions with clients from anywhere in the world.

Photo by mostafa meraji on Unsplash

3. E-commerce: People shop every day. Electronics, phones, groceries, beauty products, and information products are examples of products that are being bought daily.

Depending on your area of interest, you can set up an online store where people can purchase your products. For instance, if you are a lover of perfumes and you know how to make different fragrances, you can place your products on an online storefront rather than selling them to only your colleagues in the office.

You can also order products at a cheaper price and sell them online at your set price.

As a 9–5er, you can start small by selling products you’re passionate about and gradually scale up as your business grows. Utilize social media and digital marketing techniques to reach your target audience and drive sales.


Photo by Diggity Marketing on Unsplash

4. Affiliate Marketing: Here, you don’t have to have products, services or even skills to offer. You are basically leveraging other people’s products or services. You are only recommending other people’s products or services to people who need them, and you will be paid.

You see why it’s one of the simplest online businesses you can do. You are not involved in delivery, training, or consulting. Your only work is to recommend helpful products to people who need them and can afford them.

For instance, if your colleague needs a car, and you know the person who sells cars, you can recommend to your colleague to buy from such a person, and the seller would agree always to pay you a percentage commission if any of the people you bring buy a car.

Of course, you won’t recommend a Ferrari or Porsche to a friend who you know collects 300k as salary. You recommend what he can afford to buy.

There are thousands of products online that you can recommend to people, and there are many affiliate platforms you can join to become an affiliate for their products. You need to know these platforms and how to become successful doing affiliate Marketing.


Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

5. Trading: Trading the financial market is about multiplying your money and letting your money grow astronomically. It’s not a get-rich-quick scheme, but it’s one of the fastest ways to become a millionaire online if you have the skills.

There are different aspects of trading; however, as a 9–5er, I will recommend you focus on the investing aspects of trading.

You don’t have to be on the charts or do market analysis to trade every time. Just look for some projects and invest in them. Watch your investments grow in a couple of days or weeks.

The Bull Run is here, this is the best time to learn how to trade the financial market.


Fatai Kasali

Fast growing Entrepreneur with Interest in Blogging, Writing and Developing Online Business Skills.