The Perfectly Normal Friday Night Dinner

Willis G. Ford
2 min readNov 2, 2018


photo by Quentin Dr on Unsplash


Roger had overheard someone call him that word recently and he didn’t understand where that was coming from.

What does eccentric even mean, he thought to himself. Roger was a normal guy with normal behaviors and habits. As a CPA, he had some money but not enough to do whatever an eccentric person might do.

Roger took another sip of red wine as he enjoyed his spaghetti with meat sauce. This meal at Giuseppe’s was a Friday tradition for as long as he could remember. This was by far his favorite restaurant and he looked forward to this moment each week. Still, he couldn’t help notice that some of the restaurant employees seemed to give him odd looks every time he was here.

Roger finished his meal and left a large tip for the waiter as he always did. He then got up and headed to gate 10 to catch his hour and a half flight to Charlotte.

Roger understood that people might think it was weird that his favorite restaurant was in an airport. They might even think it was weird that he had to buy a plane ticket to get past the TSA to get to the restaurant. Some people might also think it was weird that Roger would fly to Charlotte and then catch the return flight home tonight.

As far as Roger was concerned, if he was going to buy an airline ticket to have a nice dinner, then he sure wasn’t going to waste a perfectly good ticket. That would be foolishness.

Eccentric! Roger just could not understand how he earned that label and continued to brood as he headed down the ramp to his awaiting plane.



Willis G. Ford

Willis G. Ford was born a wide-eyed nom de plume on a foggy day in February 1849. He lives to pollute the world with little pieces of non-biodegradable prose.