Moving Up in The World

Willis G. Ford
Feb 13, 2024


Photo by Joakim Honkasalo on Unsplash

First Class!

After many years of miserable flights as an overworked salesman, Johnny had finally saved enough points to fly first class.

So this was what heaven was like?

He stretched his legs as far as he could and they still didn’t touch the seat in front of him. The stories he was going to tell his future grandchildren about this day!

This was going to be the best day ever as he looked around and smiled at all the other cool people in first class.

Nothing was going to ruin this day! Peoria, here I come!

As the flight attendant closed the cabin doors, Johnny noticed the captain just as the cockpit doors were closing,

Was the captain crying?…..



Willis G. Ford

Willis G. Ford was born a wide-eyed nom de plume on a foggy day in February 1849. He lives to pollute the world with little pieces of non-biodegradable prose.