The Supernatural Exam

Willis G. Ford
2 min readAug 4, 2018


Photo by Nam Hoang on Unsplash

Math had always been a challenge for Arthur. Today’s final exam was worth a quarter of his grade and if he wanted to graduate college, he needed to pass this final test.

He was a nervous wreck. Everyone else had already turned their exams over and started working on the answers. Sweat dripped off his brow onto the paper.

Here goes nothing he thought.

He turned over the paper and looked at the first question. Before he finished reading the question, the answer floated before his eyes in translucent numbers. He saw the number 14.

The next question made no sense to Arthur but again the numbers floated before his eyes, 192 to the 2nd power.

Arthur had no idea what was going on but the numbers to each of the next 98 questions came to him instantly. He could hardly believe that this was happening, it was some kind of miracle. The math gods were smiling on him today.

He was smiling ear to ear as he finished the test in only thirty minutes. Arthur turned his test over and tried to make sense of what had just happened. It was so surreal.

The professor noticed Arthur had finished and she gave him a suspicious look, but after 20 years of teaching nothing surprised her anymore. She spoke:

Class, when you are finished, please bring your exam to the desk to be graded as you leave.

As Arthur left the room, he noticed the words on the whiteboard behind the professor’s desk:


Arthur wept.



Willis G. Ford

Willis G. Ford was born a wide-eyed nom de plume on a foggy day in February 1849. He lives to pollute the world with little pieces of non-biodegradable prose.