WHY Kingdom Ministries
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

We hear it often nowadays. A Ruth looking for her Boaz. And vice versa.

A good man of standing that will not hold her past against her. Or a good woman that cares for her man in all aspects of his life. Many times we see it just as that. But Ruth was more than just a widow lifted from poverty standings to married to the rich guy. And Boaz was more than the rich guy. This romance models God Love for us. This is a synopsis of Boaz and Ruth.

I will begin with Boaz. He is described as the “Mighty Man of Wealth” and where we know that he was monetarily well off his value was MUCH more than that.

He was a Trustworthy man.

He was of Good Character.

He was a Provider.

He was Compassionate.

He was a Protector.

A man of Integrity.

He was Attentive.

He had a relationship with God.

Every woman’s dream right there.

The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and He delights in His way. Psalm 37:23

Now Ruth. We know that she was a widow and she chose to go with Naomi instead of going back to ‘her people’. So what are some things we can glean from her character.

She was Kind.

She Feared the Lord.

She Walked in Peace.

She Cared for others.

She was Devoted and Trustworthy.

She was a Woman of Noble Character.

She was Obedient.

She had a Servants Heart.

Who can find such a woman!? She is more precious than rubies. “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised!” Proverbs 31:30

Men and Women of God. When we take on those characteristics of Boaz and Ruth which is a PURE reflection of Christ. We can not fail. Not in our marriages, our relationships with those close to us and those that we are showing the Love of Christ to. We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength. Where do you lack? What area do you need to work on? Pray for God to reveal ways to strengthen that characteristic. Make a conscience choice to DO it. It takes 21 days to break a habit or 21 days to make a habit. Habits BECOME Characteristics. And they are not built on good intentions but actions.

Let’s make a step to become the character of Jesus Christ.

Be Blessed. And Bless Others.