TheRightwrite (Isaac Bell)
3 min readJul 30, 2017


One of the biggest traits I feel is sometimes overlooked in a Christians life is humility. Personally I want to come out and say that the feelings of people who don’t currently share our christian faith because of hypocrisy is true. I do believe many of us sometimes tend to make too many judgments on people that we hold against them. Key words hold against contrary to what the world wants to put out about the Bible when it comes to judging do not judge and you will not be judged holds true the word says to judge a man by his fruits. I feel most people even some Christians may consider this to sound like a contradiction but that is simply not the case. Focus on the full context and it becomes easier to see and understand what the verse is saying in full, we all have to make judgments it’s how we live and its in our nature what I believe the Lord is saying not to judge by appearance and of any problems or short comings people may have different from ours it is foul to criticize someone’s problems when we have our own at very least not exposing our own short comings first to the person we are talking to before suggest anything mistake they make in our lives is worse than ours. I personally don’t attempt to help someone with a problem that I am currently going through myself it wouldn’t make sense…

With that being said it would be a injustice on yourself to surround around negative traits that you know go against our faith its honestly pretty clear to see in general if people are who they say they are and when they are going though a rough time. “Don’t be fooled bad company ruins good morales" there is a key difference and I feel as if unfortunately it has caused our faith some backlash of course you want to distance yourself from danger and protect yourself but when the opposition approaches which it probably has or it will don’t run from it. Take it on as a opportunity to show them the love that you have been showed yourself in hopes of not only giving to them but accepting them as they have come to you.

This is one problem I see with us and it can be hard to avoid for the simple fact we pride ourselves on the values that we have if you take the time to truly try and connect and let God be God we would be surprised and amazed by the works he does every time if your willing to be used. Love more I am trying to implement this myself as well as I know I will never fully master this as our master has but in hopes of being like Jesus all of us standing together and taking the time to be selfless and realize we are not here for ourselves. Remembering that we are here for others who have not heard the good news of Jesus Christ The Lord.

I hope you have enjoyed this post and hopefully find it useful thank for taking the time to read goodnight and God bless you.

TheRightwrite (Isaac Bell)

love Jesus. love writing. interested in connecting with social media marketers& advertisement specialist.