How to Get the Best Car Insurance Quotes Online

12 min readSep 7, 2023


Getting car insurance is essential for all drivers, but finding the best rate can be confusing. Fortunately, you can now easily compare free online auto insurance quotes from various providers to find the most affordable coverage that fits your needs.

This comprehensive guide will walk you through everything you need to know to get the cheapest car insurance quotes online, including:

What Factors Determine Your Premiums

Many personal and vehicle factors affect your car insurance rates. Insurance companies calculate your risk profile based on:

Driver Factors

  • Age — Younger drivers under 25 are considered higher risk. Rates drop as you get older.
  • Driving Record — Drivers with accidents, tickets or DUIs pay much higher premiums.
  • Credit Score — Better credit can lower premiums. Poor credit raises rates.
  • Marital Status — Married drivers often get lower rates than single drivers.
  • Annual Mileage — Drivers with higher mileage pay more for increased risk.

Vehicle Factors

  • Make/Model — Sports cars and luxury vehicles cost more to insure.
  • Age — Older vehicles have lower premiums than newer cars.
  • Safety Features — Advanced systems like airbags and ABS can reduce your rates.
  • Ownership — Insuring a leased car is typically more expensive.
  • Storage — Where you park your car regularly factors into risk.

Insurers weigh these variables, amongst others, to estimate your chances of filing a claim and calculate your premiums accordingly. Higher risk equals higher rates.

How to Get Cheap Car Insurance Quotes Online

Here are the steps to follow for getting the lowest auto insurance rates online:

1. Research Minimum Requirements

The first step is understanding your state’s minimum liability coverage requirements. Most states require:

  • Bodily Injury Liability — Covers injuries to others in an accident you cause.
  • Property Damage Liability — Covers damage to another vehicle or property in an accident you cause.
  • Uninsured/Underinsured Motorist — Covers your medical bills if you’re hit by a driver with no or insufficient insurance.

Some states require additional coverages like Personal Injury Protection. Know your state laws!

2. Decide on Type of Policy

You’ll also need to determine the type of auto policy you need based on your vehicle use:

  • Standard Policy — For personal vehicles used for commuting, errands, etc.
  • Commercial Policy — If using your vehicle for any business activities.
  • Temporary/Non-Owner Policy — Short term insurance when borrowing or renting a car.

The type of policy will affect your coverage needs and premiums.

3. Shop Around and Compare Quotes

Next, get free car insurance quotes online from both national insurance providers and local agents/brokers in your area. Spend time entering your details into their quoting tools to get precise personalized rates.

Be sure to compare not just premiums, but also coverage amounts, exclusions, deductibles, discounts offered, and insurer reputation ratings from independent agencies like AM Best.

4. Adjust Your Coverage to Get the Lowest Premiums

The initial quotes you receive are based on standard policy limits, but you can usually customize and adjust these limits to reduce your premiums. Some ways to save:

  • Increase your deductible for Collision and Comprehensive coverage to lower rates.
  • Drop optional coverages like Rental Reimbursement or Roadside Assistance you may not need.
  • Reduce high policy limits down to your state minimum requirements.
  • Bundle home and auto insurance policies with same insurer for a discount.

Finding the right balance between level of coverage and premium cost is key to maximizing savings. Don’t just automatically accept the default options when comparing online car insurance quotes!

5. Take Advantage of Available Discounts

Almost every insurer offers a range of policy discounts to qualifying drivers. When getting your quotes, specifically ask about discounts you may be eligible for:

  • Good driver discount
  • Safe driver discount
  • Low mileage discount
  • Paid in full discount
  • Multi-car discount
  • EFT auto-pay discount
  • Early shopper discount
  • Good student discount
  • Defensive driver discount
  • Affinity group memberships

The more discounts you can combine, the lower your car insurance rates will be!

6. Contact Insurers Directly for the Lowest Quotes

While online quoting tools are convenient, insurers will often offer special discounts or negotiable rates if you contact them directly. Calling and talking to an agent may reveal additional savings they can apply to beat competitors’ prices. You can even negotiate with your current insurer by getting competitive quotes elsewhere.

7. Review and Choose the Best Policy

Once you’ve compared personalized quotes from a range of insurers, thoroughly review the policies side-by-side. Look for the cheapest overall premiums, while still getting sufficient coverage limits. Confirm the company is reputable and financially secure based on ratings. Then choose the policy that provides the optimal balance of rate and coverage for your situation.

Following those tips can ensure you get the lowest price on quality car insurance tailored to your needs!

Bundling Auto and Home Insurance for More Savings

One of the best ways to get the cheapest rates is by bundling home and auto insurance policies with the same provider. You can often save 10% or more compared to keeping these insurance policies separate.

Bundling works because insurers prefer clients with multiple policies, since it provides more potential to upsell additional products and build loyalty. Policyholders who have both home and auto with the insurer also present lower risk, with fewer claims made.

To maximize bundling savings when getting car insurance quotes:

  • Ask insurers for bundled pricing upfront when getting quotes
  • Compare bundle discounts between insurers carefully
  • Inquire about adding renters or umbrella insurance to the bundle for additional savings
  • Consider all costs and coverage, not just bundled premium discounts
  • Confirm you can still get specialized policies tailored to each property type
  • Review loyalty discounts you may qualify for from staying with one company

While the convenience of keeping insurance together can be beneficial, always compare standalone policies as well to ensure bundling any particular insurer provides the overall lowest price.

Buying Car Insurance Online vs Local Agents

Should you buy car insurance online or through local insurance agencies and brokers? Here’s an overview of the pros and cons:

Buying Online Advantages

  • Immediate quoting and policy purchase anytime 24/7
  • Ability to compare many insurers quickly on one platform
  • Direct rate comparisons on same coverage
  • Potential pricing discounts passed on from lower overhead

Local Agent Advantages

  • Personalized service and advice on coverage
  • Agent negotiates with insurers on your behalf
  • Ability to tailor niche policies as needed
  • Support for claims processes and issues
  • Erased lines between insurers for seamless experience

There are benefits to both options. Online purchasing provides convenient access to quotes and policies from national insurers. Local independent agents, however, can leverage their relationships with carriers to find tailored rates and coverage that national website can’t always match.

For the best of both worlds, use online quoting tools to survey the market, then connect with a local agent to discuss your specific situation in detail and optimize your policy. This balanced approach gives you greater insight into pricing options and helps determine the most cost effective car insurance for your needs.

How Insurers Calculate Your Premiums

Understanding exactly how insurers calculate your car insurance premiums can help guide smart decisions to get the lowest rates:

1. Baseline Rate

Every insurer starts with a baseline rate that reflects their historical claim payout averages for basic liability coverage based on profile factors like age, location, gender, and marital status. Higher risk categories get higher baseline rates.

2. Driving Record Adjustments

Every accident, speeding ticket, DUI, or violation on your record will trigger rate increases. Recent or severe incidents cause the largest spikes. Accident-free records earn discounts.

3. Vehicle Driven Adjustments

Rates are affected by the make/model, age, safety tech, anti-theft devices, storage location and use of the vehicle you want to insure. Certain cars cost more.

4. Coverage Tier Adjustments

The more insurance protection types and higher limits you choose raise your rates accordingly based on the increased payout potential. Minimum liability is cheapest.

5. Credit History Adjustments

In most states, better credit lowers premiums while poor credit increases rates based on correlative data between credit scores and claims.

6. Discounts Applied

Discounts subtract from your total premium if you qualify based on good driving, low mileage, multi-policy bundles, payment terms or other eligibility factors.

While the exact calculations are complex, identifying where you fall in each category provides guidance on lowering your costs. Comparing quotes shows you how different insurers weight information to derive premiums.

Do I Need Car Insurance If I Don’t Drive Much?

Since car insurance rates are partially based on annual mileage, drivers who don’t put many miles on their vehicle sometimes wonder if they need coverage. Here are a few things to consider:

  • State Laws — Almost every state requires minimum liability insurance to register a vehicle, even if you rarely drive it. Failing to insure can lead to fines or suspension.
  • Future Use Changes — Your driving habits could increase in future years. Lapsed coverage means you’d pay higher future rates. Maintaining continuous coverage keeps options open.
  • Covered Parking Damage — If your parked unused car is hit, damaged or stolen, you want coverage protection without having a coverage lapse.
  • Cheap Storage Policies — Some insurers offer discounted specialty storage or collector policies with very basic coverage for stored vehicles.

Maintaining at least minimum liability insurance can be done fairly cheaply and avoids issues if you need to use the car more later. Talk to agents about specialty storage policies if you won’t be driving at all.

Getting Car Insurance After a Gap

Letting your auto insurance lapse can lead to much more expensive rates when getting a policy again in the future. Here’s what to expect after a gap in coverage:

Why Gaps Raise Rates

Insurers view customers with gaps in insurance history as higher risk because:

  • Increased likelihood of undisclosed accidents or incidents during the lapse
  • Greater chance of fines or license suspension
  • Potential financial difficulty paying for insurance
  • Risk of currently owning an uninsured vehicle

How Long Before Rates Improve

Typically you can expect to pay very high rates after a coverage lapse for:

  • 1 Year — After 1 year with continuous new coverage, rates begin to improve.
  • 3 Years — Approaching standard rates again around 3 years of incident-free insurance.
  • 5–7 Years — Rates fully normalized after 5–7 years of clean driving history.

Getting Coverage After a Lapse

If you need insurance after a gap, explore options like:

  • Non-Owner Policies — Temporary liability-only insurance when borrowing a car.
  • High-Risk Insurers — Specialty insurers that cover higher risk drivers.
  • State Programs — Assigned risk pools and plans for those unable to get insurance.

The longer you maintain continuous stable coverage, the faster your premium penalties from past gaps will dissipate. Paying high rates for a few years is still better than going uninsured.

How to Lower Rates for Young Drivers

Younger drivers under 25 face very high car insurance rates due to limited driving experience and elevated accident risk. A few tactics to lower premiums include:

1. Take a Defensive Driving Course

Many insurers provide a discount for completion of an approved course teaching accident avoidance skills and safe driving techniques. Can save 5–15%.

2. Maintain Good Grades

A number of insurers offer the good student discount for young drivers still in school maintaining a B or better grade average. Discounts range from 10%-25%.

3. Get Added as Secondary Driver

Being listed as a secondary driver on a parent’s policy can mean assuming their lower premiums rather than higher youthful driver rates.

4. Increase Deductibles

Choosing higher deductibles like $500 or $1000 rather than minimums like $250 or $500 can significantly reduce overall premium costs.

5. Shop Around Extensively

Compare as many insurers as possible to find those offering the lowest available rates for teen drivers based on profile factors.

While young drivers pay more, following these tips can potentially yield hundreds in savings on costly car insurance premiums.

How to Reduce Rates with a Good Driving Record

The easiest way to get the cheapest car insurance is by maintaining a clean driving record free of accidents, moving violations and serious infractions. Follow these strategies:

Drive Defensively

Practice defensive driving techniques:

  • Avoid distraction and stay alert
  • Leave ample braking distance
  • Use signals and check blind spots
  • Stay calm and avoid aggressive maneuvers

Know Traffic Laws

Brush up on traffic rules and insurance regulations:

  • Follow speed limits and traffic signals
  • Yield right of way properly
  • Keep vehicle registration and insurance up to date
  • Never leave a crash scene

Don’t Drink and Drive

Avoid impaired driving completely:

  • Arrange alternate transportation when drinking
  • Call a rideshare service if needed
  • Never drive even after 1–2 drinks
  • Avoid vehicles with intoxicated drivers

Review Records Regularly

Check your MVR record annually for any issues:

  • Dispute and clear up any errors immediately
  • Note dates to determine when incidents will drop off record
  • Confirm insurers have the most current status

By staying violation and accident free, your premiums will keep decreasing as you maintain a clean driving history over the years.

Comprehensive vs Liability-Only Coverage

Choosing between comprehensive and liability-only auto insurance depends on your budget, assets, risk tolerance and state laws.

Comprehensive CoverageLiability-Only CoverageWhat It CoversBoth liability to others and damage to your own vehicle in incidentsOnly covers damage you cause to others, but not your own vehiclePros- Typically required for financed vehicles
- Protects value of your auto asset
- Customizable component coverages
- More complete protection- Meets minimum state requirements
- Much cheaper overall premium
- Lower out-of-pocket costs if self-insuring vehicle damageCons- Usually more expensive- Must have assets to self-insure vehicle damage
- Higher claims out-of-pocket costs

If you can afford repairs or replacement yourself, liability-only may suffice. But comprehensive is recommended if assets are limited or a new vehicle. Compare quotes on both to understand the rate differences.

Is Car Insurance Tax Deductible?

Unfortunately, car insurance premiums are generally not tax deductible, because the IRS considers auto insurance to be a personal expense rather than a business cost.

There are a few exceptions where auto insurance may qualify for deductions:

  • If the vehicle is being used for legitimate business purposes and you claim it as a business expense deduction.
  • If your medical insurance didn’t cover all costs for injuries suffered in a car accident — the excess medical costs can qualify as a medical expense deduction depending on income.
  • If you itemize state sales tax deductions — a portion of the insurance premium may apply.
  • If the auto insurance policy covers certain home office property or equipment that gets a home office deduction.

But in most cases for personal vehicle insurance, the premiums will not directly lower your income tax bill. The insurance protection will pay for itself if you need to file a covered claim down the road.


How much is the average cost of car insurance?

The average yearly premium for full auto insurance coverage is around $1500 nationally, but can vary widely based on your location, driving record, vehicle, age and other factors. Minimum liability-only averages around $500 yearly.

How can I save the most on auto insurance?

The best ways to lower your rates are maintaining a clean driving record, qualifying for all available discounts from an insurer, increasing your deductible amounts, and comparing quotes to find the most affordable provider for your profile.

What credit score leads to the lowest insurance rates?

While policies vary, generally a credit score above 660–680 will quality you for the highest credit rating tier used by auto insurers, minimizing your rates. Fair credit scores can raise premiums significantly.

When should I start shopping for car insurance?

It’s best to start comparing car insurance rates 2–3 months ahead of your expected new policy start date. This gives you plenty of time to survey the market thoroughly and review all options without rushed decisions.

How can I find the cheapest car insurance company?

The cheapest insurer varies widely based on your location and situation. Make sure to shop around and compare quotes from at least 5 reputable national and local insurance providers to determine which offers the lowest premium and sufficient coverage.

Comparing personalized car insurance quotes remains the most effective way to find the best policy with the right protections at the lowest overall premium cost for your budget and needs. Follow the tips in this guide to confidently make the right coverage choices while maximizing savings. #Wiack #Car #CarInsurance #CarRental #CarPrice #AutoLoans



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