Who is Hecate? Has She Been Calling You …

Hannah Mason
Nov 14, 2022


Witches, occultists, and the many pagans groups who honor the mysterious and divine Hecate, do so by performing regular rituals and suppers on a Dark Moon and other notable dates within the Wheel of the Year. This is an ancient practice which comes from a place of honoring and appreciating Hecate and all that She offers us. I honor and respect Hecate as she is the one who guides me on my journey. Have you felt Her calling? Will you answer … There are many times when you can honor and work with Hecate. In this article we will take a look at when this is and what you can do to incorporate Hecate into your magickal workings. READ MORE!




Hannah Mason

A Witch with a deep desire to communicate and share knowledge about witchcraft, Wicca & Paganism subjects … always learning, living and loving.