Variances in Scala

Wiem Zine
5 min readNov 28, 2018


Variance refers to how subtyping between more complex types relates to subtyping between their components” — Wikipedia


A value is the result of an expression, a type is a set of values. Each value in our program has a type, and every type has a finite/infinite possible values. For instance:

  • Boolean is a type that has two possible values: true or false
  • String has infinite possible values.
  • This sum type is a set of 3 values, [Circle, Triangle, Rectangle]
sealed trait Shape
case object
Circle extends Shape
case object Triangle extends Shape
case object Rectangle extends Shape
  • Product type: Container has a combination of n values of type Shape with m values of type Boolean → 3 * 2 = 6 possible values.
case class Container(form: Shape, hasBg: Boolean)


Scala supports subtyping.

In our programming daily life, we encounter subtypes like:

  • Some and None are subtypes of Option
  • In the previous example, Circle, Triangle and Rectangle are subtypes of Shape
  • Nothing is the subtype of every type and there is no instances of this type.
  • Any is the supertype of every type in Scala. It’s the root of the Scala class hierarchy. So every type is a subtype of Any .

More complex types

A simple type:

case class Person(id: Int, name: String)

Person is called a type constructor with 0 arity.


It’s about how to classify the type constructors:

  • Person is kind (star) * the type constructor has no type parameters
  • Option[A] is kind (star to star): * -> * because Option has one parameter
  • Map[K, V] is kind (star star to star)* -> * -> *
  • Functor[F[_]] is kind (* -> *) -> * . This type is a higher kinded type, which takes a type constructor F
  • There are more, you can check them in REPL using: :kind -v TypeName

Variance annotation

Depending to the variance of the type constructor, the subtyping relation can be either preserved (covariance), reversed (contravariance), or ignored (invariance).




Function type

Let’s define a simple function:

scala> val addOne = (i: Int) => i + 1
addOne: Int => Int = <function1>

First class functions in Scala are implemented as FunctionX classes. ( X equals to the number of its argument)

In this example, we have a function with one parameter, the compiler picks Function1[Int, Int] as the underlying typer.

Function1 has this type signature: Function[-A, +B]

- and + are variance annotations

Function[-A, +B] is:

  • Contravariant in the input type A (marked with - ) where A can be replaced with the derived type. (more general input argument)
  • Covariant in the output type B (marked with + ) where B can be replaced with the base type. (more specific return type)

Upper and Lower type bounds

Upper/Lower type bounds of a parameter type reveal more information about that type.

Upper type bounds: A <: T means that A refers to a subtype of T


abstract class Pet extends Animal {}
case class Cat(???) extends Pet
case class Dog(???) extends Pet
trait Zoo[T <: Pet]{

Lower type bounds: A >: T means that A refers to a supertype of T

We will see an example soon.

In order to understand the previous sections, we need to see a simple example.

Let’s re-implement the type List.

abstract class List[T] { ... }
case class Nil[T]() extends List[T]
case class Cons[T](head: T, tail: List[T]) extends List[T]

The type parameter at List is not marked covariant or contravariant. So List is invariant in T which means List can only have elements of that type = Tcannot be changed.

sealed trait A
case object
B extends A
case object
C extends A
case object
D extends A

If we want to define a list of type A that has elements of its subtypes we’ll get a compile error.

val list: List[A] = Cons(B, Cons(C, Cons(D, Nil()))) //compile error: class List is invariant in type A.

To make their dream come true, List of the subtypes of A should be represented as a List[A]

In simple types, we’re able to define: val a: A = B

But in HKT we have to add the variance annotation + to the type parameter of our generic class List to make it covariant in its type T: List[+T]

abstract class List[+T] { ... }
case class Nil[T]() extends List[T]
case class Cons[+T](head: T, tail: List[T]) extends List[T]

Before checking if it works, let’s improve the case class Nil()

Every type T is a supertype of Nothing . List is covariant in T, so we can say that a List[Nothing] is a subtype of List[T] .

Nil doesn’t use the type parameter, it could extends List[Nothing]

case object Nil extends List[Nothing] 

Looks nicer!

val list: List[A] = Cons(B, Cons(C, Cons(D, Nil)))) //it works :)

Now let’s implement a function contains in List that checks if a given element exists.

abstract class List[+T] { self =>
def contains(elem: T): Boolean = self match {
case Cons(x, xs) if x == elem => true
Cons(x, xs) => xs.contains(elem)
case Nil => false

Oups there is a compile error :

error: covariant type T occurs in contravariant position in type T of value elem
def contains(elem: T): Boolean = self match {

I talked previously about Function[-A, +B] and mentioned that the inputs of functions are contravariant and their output are covariant. In our case, List is covariant in T ,

The problem is in the input argument of contains the element is a value of type T which is covariant, we need to make it contravariant to be able to pass it into Function1

We can do that using lower type bounds >: !

abstract class List[+T] { self =>
def contains[T1 >: T](elem: T1): Boolean = self match {
case Cons(x, xs) if x == elem => true
Cons(x, xs) => xs.contains(elem)
case Nil => false

it works 😎 !

If you have a contravariant type parameter and you need to define a function that returns a value of that type, you’ll need to use the term <: to make the output covariant.

I hope that you enjoyed reading this blog and now you’ll not worry when you see [+T],[-T], <:, >: in code.

