The Matter of Code


Wiesław Bartkowski
3 min readMar 8, 2020
Klementyna Jankiewicz, Urban Echo, Photo by Bartosz Szymański.

Look at the code — the source text of any program, as a type of material.
See the effects of the code as a material manifestation.

The Matter of Code is a story about the practice that eliminates the polarisation of code and matter. The Matter of Code is a “material” (code as a material) that has unique properties, a combination of physical and digital matter that does not produce a simple sum. Its emergent properties allow the creation of a unique experience, something that to designers and artists is otherwise unattainable. This “material” (code material manifestation) gives way to the creation of complex installations that react to stimuli from the environment, changing the experience of space, its perceptions, and subsequently affecting human emotions.

The contact of the digital and physical world has been dominated by the interaction with intermediary screens whose flat surfaces have limited the sensory experience — our understanding of the world is based on motion, action, active and bodily experience. Screens cause the observation and manipulation of symbols, that remove the person from reality. As a result any richness of touch is lost, as the hand’s natural and sophisticated ability to manipulate the object is evaded.

Screens have created a distance from the environment that has shaped us, destroying the work of evolution that through hundreds of thousands of years has adapted both the mind and body to the ever changing environment. However, the combination of the possibilities offered by programming, electronics and digital fabrication, will allow us to boldly overcome the barrier of the screen — as a “material” that can “blend bits and atoms” emerges.

The space around us will be filled with physical artefacts of digital properties that cannot be passed by indifferently. These objects will engage us with a multi-sensory experience that encourages interaction that acts in accordance to how the world, physically and kinetically, is experienced.

Every designer, artist or architect can use The Matter of Code in his creative workshop, without the need of a degree in technology as the barrier of entry has dropped intensely. The simplification of digital technology, open source and open hardware movements, DIY (Do-It-Yourself) culture, and the development of IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for creative coding has allowed everyone of desire to master this material through experience — in the same way as a sculptor learning to shape wood, stone or clay.

The Matter of Code crosses the boundaries between art, design and science. Further emphasising its presence in many areas of creation. The Matter of Code practice is a call to start thinking in an anti-disciplinary way, to forget about the stereotypical divisions between the humanistic and scientific mind and change the passive recipients of technology into its active creators.

Readers become writers.

In the words of Douglas Rushkoff, “Program or be programmed”, get access to the civilisation control panel, gain a voice in the discussion about our future.

At the heart of The Matter of Code approach is the permission to create something that is not needed. Accidental wandering and openness to error leads to a wonderful surprise and a creative discovery. This approach gives the chance to create something groundbreaking. Hack the way technology is used, find unexplored areas of code usage and explore seemingly impossible connections at the junction of the physical and digital world.

The Matter of Code idea was first presented during Gdynia Design Days (GDD) festival as an exhibition titled “The Matter of Code”. This exhibition has collected a number of works exploring the idea from diverse perspectives by numerous artists and designers from Poland and abroad. As well as the best projects of the graduates of the second year of Creative Coding postgraduate studies.

