Technology (Finally) Fighting Childhood Obesity?

om towers
2 min readJun 21, 2018


Childhood Obesity and Technology will finally be related to each other in a positive way

It is no secret that childhood obesity is becoming a pressing public health problem. It affects children in countries all over the world, be they low, middle or high-income economies, and it is spreading like wildfire, posing serious challenges to public health systems, parents, and education professionals.

The causes are many, and while poor dietary habits that include too much fat and sugar are obviously guilty as charged, technology is also often the usual suspect. When the time to point fingers comes, technology is indeed an easy target: 600 hundred TV channels, smart TVs, video games, tablets and other devices keep children mostly lethargic, as entertainment is enjoyed in an almost entirely passive way.

Any tech brand must acknowledge this as a fact. When it comes to what tech devices and applications offer to children, these are essentially things that keep kids inactive. And, there’s another aspect that needs to be considered: technology advances are frequently expected to solve problems in so many fields of human societies. Yet, in this case, technology has basically been taking the stand as accused, and not much has been done to change that… until now.

We’re currently developing Wiggly, a dancing wearable jacket for kids which is coming to invert this trend and finally put technology fighting childhood obesity and making children happier in a healthier way.

Unlike conventional video games, which may even include Virtual Reality but which do not do much to incite physical activity in children, Wiggly is an exciting game that’s all about moving.

Majo playing with Wiggly

Embedded with audio instructions and songs, Wiggly tells your kid to move according to the 30 amazing songs it plays, taking your child throughout an adventure that is also guided by lights that turn on in the parts of the body that should be moving.

This means that, with Wiggly, your kid will need to react to voice and light-signaling instructions and move accordingly, as the levels of difficulty progress when a good dancing performance is executed.

This is the fun, relaxed and really healthy way that technology should bring to children’s entertainment: a piece of wearable technology that looks like a striking jacket that any kid would like to wear, and which will keep them moving and sharing great and exciting moments with other kids and family members.

Want to help us put technology fighting childhood obesity while securing a Wiggly for your kids? Please click here and join our Kickstarter pre-launch to get an early access to Wiggly, with a very special price!

