TryHackMe Anonymous Writeup

4 min readOct 20, 2021

Bonsoir, Elliot. It’s time to deal with anonymous machine from TryHackMe.

Information gathering.

As usual, first we use a port scanner to identify the services and services running on the machine. We will use nmap with the following command:

nmap -sC -sV <target IP>

nmap result

We received a lot of information, found out the number of open ports and the services running on the machine. Of course we will be interested in ftp on 21 port. Especially considering that he has anonymous access. Also take a look at SMB.

Connecting to FTP is very simple. Type the ftp <ip> command, specify the ‘Anonymous’ username and press Enter instead of the password.

Let’s see what’s here:

ftp content

Let’s use the get command to download these files.

get file

We have a text file with a reminder to remove anonymous access, a log file with notes that there was nothing to delete and a script file.

Looking at we can conclude that it was created on BASH and is used in cron to clean up the directory. Maybe it can be used.

Let’s see what is interesting in SMB. To do this, we will use smbmap. To begin with, let’s look at the list of all the shares.

smbmap -H <IP>

get sharename

Excellent. There is an available share. Let’s see what’s there with smbclient:

smbclient //<IP>/<SHARENAME>

Here are photos of dogs. Nothing interesting for us. It’s time to get access.

Get shell.

As we remember, we have FTP with read/write access and a bash file used by the machine. Let’s take advantage of this. Go to PayloadsAllTheThings and look for reverse shell on bash.

payloads on Bash

The first line suits us. Insert your IP address and the desired port for the listener. Add this line to the end of the file . Or you can completely delete the entire code and leave only it.

Now we need to place the updated back to the attacked machine. Let’s do it the same way in FTP using the put command.


We may notice that the file size has changed, which means that it has been successfully written.

Launch the listener on our machine and wait a little time.

Got shell

And let’s see the user flag:

Get user.txt

Privilege escalation.

First of all, let’s check what can be run with sudo without a password: sudo -l. Unfortunately, this does not give results.

Then let’s look at the SUID files on this machine. You can upload to it and see the results, but we’ll do it faster.

We can look at SUID files using these commands:

find / -user root -perm /4000


find / -type f -a \( -perm -u+s -o -perm -g+s \) -exec ls -l {} \; 2> /dev/null

The first command will give you a large list in which to sort out for a long time. We use the second command, it will show only the files we need.

look at this
It seems there is something

Even in this case, we get a fairly large list. But it seems there is what we need: /usr/bin/env

Go to GTFOBins and see how we can use it.

Run this command as specified and get root!

Got root

It remains only to see the last flag:

Got root.txt

Thanks to the author of this challenge and to you for reading to the end.




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