15 Ingenious Ways You Can Do with Essay

Jerry Winchester
3 min readFeb 19, 2019


Essay is a prose writing, which has, as a rule, some controversial, debatable position devoted to a social event practice. The author conveys individual impressions and thoughts on the stated problem.

For the author of the essay, the main thing is personal comprehension of the world and attitude to it. As a method of such development, he draws numerous examples, draws parallels, selects analogies, uses all sorts of associations, assimilations. Making creative writing is not an easy task for everyone EssayReviewExpert and largely individual.

Set a goal

The goal is what should be achieved as a result of the work on the essay. The goal is to determine the action. The work will be clear if the writer knows what he wants to achieve, conceives, compiles, evaluates and revises it from this point of view.

Main objectives

From the formulation of the goal, it is necessary to move on to specific tasks to be solved in accordance with this goal. The solution to these problems is the content of the essay.

Mind the structure

Once you have received the assignment, determine the type of essay and the plan by which you will write it. After that, go straight to the points: heading — introduction — several paragraphs of the main part — conclusion.


Although the author’s position based on the content of the essay is created on personal impressions, views, ideas, thoughts, and feelings, you may need additional information. The topic of the essay will tell you where to find the right material.


Before you start writing an essay, you need to think about such questions: in what order will different questions be presented and discussed? Are there any correct logical sequences?


Reading, exploring and thinking about the topic of the essay, you need to take notes using theses. They will help to build the information you want to submit.


To make rational thoughts on the basis of your work, it is necessary to compose several thematic questions and give a detailed answer to them.


Immediately after receiving the assignment and acquaintance with the topic, outline your thoughts and arguments. This will allow you not to forget important thoughts while writing a clean copy.

Do not forget to proofread

It is extremely important to check what you have written, to avoid embarrassing typos and lexical mistakes, which can negatively impact the general impression of your essay.

Define the style

The style of writing an essay is usually semi-formal or formal. Do not use slang and abbreviations, for example, instead of can’t write cannot, instead of wanna — want to, etc.

Be brief

An essay e is a short, written work. Some students think that the principle “the more, the better” works, and they write huge opuses. That is not right.

Argument your thoughts

Every written thought should not be on your bare word. Support it with arguments, a vivid example, statistics, etc.

Linking words

The introductory words for the essay are important as they link sentences to each other, forming a logical chain of your thoughts. They will help to combine sentences or show contrast, identify the sequence of actions.

Put your opinion sensibly

An essay is a written expression of your thoughts on a specific topic. But here is important not to forget about elementary delicacy.

Be gentle

Although you should write your thoughts on this issue, however, try not to use often the structures of the following type: I am sure that or I know that.

