Why Is Everyone Talking About Writing?

Jerry Winchester
4 min readDec 25, 2018


For centuries now, writing remains an integral part of human communication, at school, home and workplaces. There is no doubt the narrative will not change anytime soon, not to talk of unforeseeable future. That is not all. Discourses all over the world around the issue of writing continue to take centre stage where learning takes place, among students and teachers. Thus, a question we must keep asking is why is everyone talking about literary composition?

Well, there are many reasons why this discussion is important, especially in this age of technology. You may have made a few online search queries such as who can write my essay for me in Canada and that’s okay. But, did you get the best essay writer in Toronto, Quebec or Vancouver? The truth is that hiring someone to write your paper is not always the easiest of things, especially when in need of a true native English speaker. In the end, you want to compose a history paper for your degree hoping it will be free from grammatical errors. However, without an effective way of determining whether the person you want to assign your assignment is worth the task, things will move things out of the frying pan into the fire.

Moreover, as opposed to spoken language, writing is hinged on strict principles, and the rules of engagement require nothing but perfect grammar, spelling syntax and more. This post explores this issue in details so you can get to the bottom of something everyone talks about.

· The academic sphere is becoming more competitive

The evidence is out there for everyone to see. The world of education is facing a more watertight competition than ever before and, writing is at the centre of it. Today, there are more papers to write before a student can qualify for conferment of a degree. Thus, one must go out of his way to craft top-notch essays, term papers, thesis, coursework and any other types of assignments. With all these, failing to do your best only gets one closer to poor grades.

· Home assignments are becoming more demanding

We have been debating about assignments for many years now. Should they be scrapped off the curriculum or they must remain pivotal in the progress of a student? You have always got to choose a side when it comes to this discourse, and the truth is, no faction ever won fair and square. In the wake of this, home assignment services are cropping up everywhere, bringing to the fore, another crucial debate about writing.

For example, is every agency that purports to provide top quality writing services to students stuck with assignments worth the money? What about hiring a home tutor to coach you on how to write the best academic papers? Are you always guaranteed of the best professionals in this enterprise to see you through a vital academic requirement? You may want to make a guess, but, with many places on the web from where students can hire help, sometimes finding the right candidate for the job is elusive.

· Quality writing skills are sought everywhere

Writing does not end with academic literary composition. After stepping out of college/University, you are bound for employment or one may want to try something in the entrepreneurial world. You will still need to present company reports, the foundation of which is writing. As for the pursuant of self-employment, putting together a comprehensive plan is always going to get your marvellous ideas closer to investors, and so, you must write it well.

· Many custom services

You may be looking for tips on how to compose a top quality academic essay, but it could never be enough to see you through a difficult term paper project. Therefore, hiring an academic custom writing service becomes unavoidable, which is another reason why the debate about who can write my paper for money, or who can I pay to do my assignment will not go away anytime soon. It gets even more complicated given the many assignment services because choosing the best is not always as rosy as it may seem.

Final Thoughts

Taking into account the above reasons, it is clear that we will keep talking about writing. It is, however, important to know when to do it yourself, and when to hire a professional essayist. Technology and the internet will keep fueling this debate even further. Come to think about it. Will Artificial Intelligence bots take over the world of literary composition? Well, that’s a topic for another day.

