Credit: NASA

Thumbly — Messaging that Helps you be Productive

Anastasia Cifuentes
2 min readOct 21, 2015

Our goal has always been to remove waste in communication. We craved an experience that offered a productive work flow, similar to email, but with the perks of chat.

By combining the benefits of chat, including spontaneity and visual cues, and the benefits of email, including a trusted and reliable setting, we created a messaging platform that is neither email nor chat, but harnesses the potential of both. We created a new system that achieves:

  • Visual Messaging
  • Clean Communication (24 hour Inbox)
  • Private and Trusted Community
  • Zero Spam
  • Cross Platform Sharing

Sharing short videos and photos in a trusted setting is something we feel is remiss in the messaging and email space — partly because using visual cues constantly is lopped into social media taboo or social stigma. One can think of baby photo overload on your Facebook newsfeed or teenage flirtation on Snapchat. Our hope is to create a communication space where using visual cues is as normal as saying hello to a friend or explaining a spreadsheet to a colleague — not to mention, more expressive and powerful. By encouraging tools that help you to express your thoughts visually, we believe we can make your daily messaging more efficient.

We add an extra layer of productivity by setting inbox messages to a day’s worth of time. In other words, we ensure that your messages always stay relevant.

All of your contacts on Thumbly have to be approved by you before they message you, vice versa. This ensures that the right folks can reach you, while still allowing you to discover new users and build a greater community.

Our approval process has the added benefit of zero spam and a clean inbox.

Our cross-platform functionality makes it easy for you to share your message on another app, bridging Thumbly to your daily communication flow.

In summary, Thumbly is a messaging app that helps you be productive. We want to make your life a little sweeter by removing wasteful communication and by making communication feel a bit more human.

Interested in supporting our cause ? — request an invite at

Have any questions or feedback? We love ideas and advice, both negative and positive. Write us at




Anastasia Cifuentes

Taken by writing | Dark chocolate devotee | Co-Founder @ Neruda Ventures | Novel on the way —