10 Best Story Writing Topics for Grade 5 with Moral

Wiki Bedtime Stories Blog
3 min readMay 15, 2024


Storywriting is a great way to give wings to your little one’s imagination. A good moral story imbibes moral values in kids and encourages them to follow the right path. Stories make kids empathetic, imaginative and respectful.

If you are looking for good story writing topics, you have landed on the right page because we have a list of 10 story writing topics that you might like!

Story Writing Topics for Grade 5 with Moral

Prompt 1

Sweet tooth — Anya loves eating sweets and candies. She doesn’t listen to her parents and doesn’t brush her teeth twice a day. One day, ..


We should listen to other’s advice.

Prompt 2

Dance partner — Riya participated in a dance competition but Demi, who didn’t dance well, was partnered with Riya.


Teamwork leads to success.

Prompt 3

Bat or Ball — One day, Bat and Ball began fighting over who was more important in cricket.


We should not compare ourselves to others.

Prompt 4

Mimi, the black cat — Mimi loved her human parents and elder sister, Benny. One day, Benny brought a mouse and announced that he was a member of the family too.


We should not judge anyone.

10 Best Story Writing Topics for Grade 5 with Moral | Wiki Bedtime Stories

Prompt 5

School time! — Summer vacations are over and Gia didn’t complete her homework.


We should not procrastinate.

Prompt 6

Rain, Rain! — It had been raining for the past two days and Sheenu had planned to go camping with his friends.


Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

10 Best Story Writing Topics for Grade 5 with Moral | Wiki Bedtime Stories

Prompt 7

Thief in Town — There’s a thief in the kingdom who began stealing jewellery, and horses from people’s houses. What will Birbal do now?


We should not make assumptions.

Prompt 8

Batman — Batman calls you to tell you that he needs your help saving the world.


We should help others.

Prompt 9

Book fair — The school organised a book fair and you wanted to buy your favourite edition but the class topper took it first. What happened next?


Sharing is caring.

Prompt 10

New Pet — Ram wanted to keep a dog at home but his momma never allowed him. One day, he saw a cute puppy while returning from school..


We should not lie.

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