The Forgetful Elephant Story for Kids with Moral

Wiki Bedtime Stories Blog
3 min readFeb 27, 2024


This funny bedtime story with a moral gives you a glimpse into the life of Peter, who is a forgetful elephant and tends to forget things quite easily. Suzy, Peter’s wife, was very upset about his habit. But the funny thing is that this habit of his one day saved his life. Read on this short bedtime story to find out how whose moral of the story is ‘Sometimes, we should let things be’.

Once lived an elephant named Peter, who was the most forgetful ever. It was almost as if he could never recollect anything when the need be.

He would often forget where he had kept his items or he would forget if he had lunch or not and end up having it twice. Sometimes he would even forget what he told his friends and even the favourite character in his favourite film.

The terrible part of it all was that Peter would frequently forget the plans he had made with people. He was famous for always being late, that was in the case he was known to show up at plan. But most of his friends had accepted Peter the way he was; except Suzy.

The Forgetful Elephant Story for Kids with Moral | Wiki Bedtime Stories
Wiki Bedtime Stories

Suzy was Peter’s spouse, and she was growing tired of Peter discarding plans all the time. Of course, Peter never planned to miss their hangouts, but somehow he would always end up forgetting. This made Suzy feel less significant in his life day by day.

One day Suzy met Peter and said, “It is our anniversary tomorrow and we will go out for a feast, if you’re not on time, we’re done for good.”

Peter was anxious that he would upset Suzy this time. There had to be a way for him to remember. He took out a red ribbon from his drawer and wrapped it around his trunk.

The Forgetful Elephant Story for Kids with Moral | Wiki Bedtime Stories
Wiki Bedtime Stories

He believed that the next morning when he would look at the ribbon it would remind him of the dinner and he would not miss it.

That night Peter went to sleep feeling he was on to something. But, the next morning when Peter woke up and looked at himself in the mirror, he saw the red ribbon.

But he had forgotten what it was for.

Read the full story at Wiki Bedtime Stories.

You can also watch the full animated funny story The Forgetful Elephant here.

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Wiki Bedtime Stories Blog

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