Science, Hard Tech and Suburbs

Extra Global Cities nulla salus, no?

3 min readDec 18, 2016

While it’s true that some of the suburbs in question are quite close to very important cities (Geneva, L.A., San Francisco, Boston, Washington, Seattle), most (especially the military ones) are in remote and sparsely populated areas.

CERN. Meyrin, Switzerland (Budget: CHF 1.142 bln)

Los Alamos National Laboratory. New Mexico. (Budget: USD 2.2bln)

Jet Propulsion Laboratory. Pasadena, California. (Budget: USD 1.6bln)

Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. (Budget: USD 1.4bln)

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. Menlo Park, California. (Budget: USD 0.35bln)

Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Berkeley Hills, California. (Budget: USD 0.79bln)

Brookhaven National Laboratory. Upton (Brookhaven), New York. (Budget: USD 0.55bln)

Idaho National Laboratory. Idaho Falls, Idaho. (Budget: USD 1.bln)

Argonne National Laboratory. Lemont, Illinois. (Budget: USD 0.76bln)

FermiLab. Batavia, Illinois. (Budget: USD 0.35bln)

Sandia National Laboratory. Kirtland (AFB), New Mexico. (Budget: USD 2.4bln)

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Livermore, California. (Budget: USD 1.5bln)

Air Force Research Laboratory. Wright-Patterson (AFB), Ohio. (Budget: USD 4bln)

Naval Surface Warfare Center. Crane, Indiana.

Naval Surface Warfare Center. Potomac, Maryland.

Naval Surface Warfare Center. Dahlgren, Virginia.

Boeing. Everett, Washington

Boeing. Renton, Washington.

Boeing. North Charleston, South Carolina

NASA. Michoud Assembly Facility, New Orleans.

Planetary Resources. Redmond, Washington

SpaceX. Hawthorne, California.

Blue Origin. Kent, Washington.

Tesla. Fremont, California.

Tesla (GigaFactory). Middle of Nowhere, Nevada.

Boston Dynamics. Waltham, Massachusetts.




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