Crossing Genres: A New Frontier for Emerging Authors

Blurring Boundaries in Modern Literature: The Advantages and Challenges for Up-and-Coming Writers

Wilbur Greene
10 min readSep 9, 2023


Photo by Kimberly Farmer

Like this story? Savour a rich tapestry of thoughts, stories, and insights on my new website, Inkwell, where we educate and empower authors of all genres and experience levels.

In the vast world of literature, traditional genres have always been the compass that guided both writers and readers. From the tragic depths of dramas to the far-reaching boundaries of science fiction, genres offered a framework, a set of conventions and expectations that writers adhered to and readers understood. They were crucial in providing structure, setting reader expectations, and guiding marketing efforts. When one picked up a mystery novel, they expected a certain series of events, just as a romance novel promised a different kind of emotional journey. These genre definitions were more than just labels; they were a promise of the content within.

However, like a river carving through rock, the landscape of literature is in a state of constant evolution. Over time, a remarkable shift has been observed. The once rigid boundaries of genres are becoming more permeable, leading to the burgeoning trend of genre-blending. This shift…



Wilbur Greene

Sydney-based writer, editor, & literary agent. Melbourne Uni alum, ex-HarperCollins & Creative Artists Agency. Now freelance writer & consultant.