Wilbur Greene
Jul 23, 2023


Your recommendations are a testament to the timeless value of classic literature and its contribution to honing a writer's craft. By spotlighting "Crime and Punishment," you stress the importance of intricate character development and narrative complexity. With "Pride and Prejudice," you emphasize the power of 'colour narrative' in the tapestry of storytelling, revealing how a writer's understanding of their characters can profoundly influence the narrative.

Lastly, your examination of "Heart of Darkness" celebrates the potency of precise language and the depth one can achieve within compact prose. This triad of literary masterpieces, each distinctive in its approach, provides invaluable lessons for aspiring writers on character crafting, narrative weaving, and linguistic precision.

Thanks for highlighting these classics, reminding us of their lasting resonance and their role as critical reading material for writers aiming to elevate their art.



Wilbur Greene

Sydney-based writer, editor, & literary agent. Melbourne Uni alum, ex-HarperCollins & Creative Artists Agency. Now freelance writer & consultant.