Will Colley

Will Colley


4 stories

Image of Google Maps’ logo with the image being mined with an axe
An excavator gathering dirt
Will Colley

Will Colley

Product Design

22 stories

Image of Duo the bird singing
Let’s look at how these popular brands and many others design onboarding
Flow diagram of 2 primitive colors being attached to their own semantic colors and resulting in how they are applied to a primary button.
Will Colley

Will Colley

Push notifications

1 story

A flow diagram summarising the key points of the article: week 1 CRM should drive toward core actions, week 2 should cut the noise, week 3 should encourage users to explore more and finally week 4 monetise inactive users.
Will Colley

Will Colley

Tone of voice

4 stories

Will Colley

Will Colley


4 stories

Design system animation
Two design examples. One with a terrible font combination, and the other with a much improved font combination
Will Colley

Will Colley

Style guides

1 story

Will Colley

Will Colley

Product Designer at Epsy Health, via JustGiving, Lantum, OnCare. Cyclist in a seriously committed relationship with food, trainers, dub, pen & paper.