The State of the Writer, November 2023.

It’s NaNoWriMo time again!

Anne Welborn


A grey haired middle aged woman sits writing at her desk. Outside the window mysterious grey clouds gather.
Sometimes I think this could have been me if I hadn’t got ill. Yet another image I created using SDXL 1.0 in Night Cafe.

So the first day of NaNoWriMo was a fizer. I had the 2500 words I’d originally written for ‘Hiding in Plain Sight’ which I gave a light edit and a bit of a polish up and then I got stuck because I couldn’t figure out how I wanted to write the next part of the story. I got out my journal and looked at my notes, — only they didn’t really tell me that much more than I already knew. So I took up my nice French made fountain pen and scribbled down some further thoughts on what should be happening next which didn’t really take me much further.
It’s stupid really as I’ve been sitting on this story since August and I’ve run the events of what happens next through my brain so many times like some kind of juddery old home movie, — but try to write it down, — not a chance.

I could feel my brain counting down to when it was going to switch off the lights so I went to bed. As I mentioned back in The State of the Writer; October 2023. I’d discovered a way to improve the quality of my sleep so my time asleep wasn’t so broken up into short episodes that left me feeling more tired than if I hadn’t slept at all. Being able to sleep continuously for hours at a time was such a thrill at first and I had so many long adventuresome dreams. Though sometimes Sleep’s country didn’t want to let me go back…



Anne Welborn

Writer, dreamwalker. Blessed with narcolepsy and CFS/ME. ACE. non-binary, she/her. I firmly believe books have the best moving pictures.