MapD Front-End Visualization on Windows with Vagrant

Jesse’s Big Data Adventures
3 min readAug 9, 2017


Using Vagrant for front-end visualization of back-end MapD database

As some people have problems installing MapD Charting on Windows due to version and dependency issues, I’ll explain how to install MapD Charting on your Windows workstation using Vagrant, a very popular manager for virtual machines. If you’re unfamiliar with Vagrant, this screenshot from their website explains the Vagrant philosophy.

Use Vagrant to develop Linux server apps on Windows

Overview of Steps

  • Download and install Vagrant
  • use Vagrant to install Ubuntu 16.04 in a VirtualBox VM
  • ssh into VM and install MapD Charting inside of the VM
  • Configure Vagrant networking to work with MapD Charting demo
  • Start MapD Charting inside of your Linux VM
  • Use your Windows browser to access the MapD Charting node application to see the demos
  • Use development tools on Windows (like VS Code, Visual Studio, or Sublime) to develop MapD Charting applications inside the Linux VM

Install Ubuntu

Using bento/ubuntu-16.04 as I’ve had problems with the Vagrant container from Ubuntu.

vagrant init bento/ubuntu-16.04
vagrant up
vagrant init bento/ubuntu-16.04
vagrant up

Configure Vagrant For MapD Charting Network Port

On Windows, edit the Vagrantfile

# Create a forwarded port mapping which allows access to a specific port
# within the machine from a port on the host machine and only allow access
# via to disable public access “forwarded_port”, guest: 8081, host: 8081, host_ip: “”

Reload Vagrant

$ vagrant reload

Log Into Linux VM

Log into Ubuntu VM

vagrant ssh

From inside of VM, install npm.

sudo apt-get install npm

install n

sudo npm install -g n

clone mapd-charting from

Use n to install node 5.12.0 inside of the Ubuntu VM.

$ sudo n 5.12.0

change directory into the mapd-charting project you just cloned.

$ npm install

$ npm install mapbox-gl@ #downloads mapbox peer dependency

I’m getting some warnings, but I’ll try and run the demo.

On Your Windows Machine, Access the MapD Charting Demos

From a web browser on your Windows workstation, access the URL

Microsoft Edge 40 on Windows 10

Get MapD Charting Now



Jesse’s Big Data Adventures

Exploring the potential of blockchain and big data. Trying out blockchain technologies, big data infrastructure, visualization, and storage technology.