Introducing Wildfire — the future of healthcare staffing

Wildfire App
3 min readMay 2, 2017


What is it?

We’re on a mission to fix the costly, broken agency model in highly regulated sectors — starting with healthcare. Wildfire is a transparent and fair marketplace for professionals to find work, delivering what matters most to them whilst being far cheaper than bricks and mortar agencies.

What’s wrong with agencies?

If you’re a candidate, working for an agency means being plagued by calls and emails even when you don’t want to work. They are competing hard to fill the same vacancies as quickly as possible — they don’t really care about your availability or working preferences and will contact you regardless. We think that no should mean no, and are working hard to make every other aspect of finding work easy and hassle-free.

If you’re an employer on the other hand, agencies simply can’t offer value for money. They operate using large teams of people and inefficient manual processes, and have to pass their high running costs on to you. What’s more, there is no transparency making it very easy for agencies to “game the system” and put upwards pressure on rates and commissions.

We know that there is no longer any need for humans to chase pieces of paper, or act as a go between — Wildfire is win-win for both employers and those on the front lines.

Who is it for?

There are plenty of new platforms out there for people to find work— but none are capable of giving the required level of confidence for those with complex compliance requirements. Employers need to know exactly who they are getting, and whether they are qualified and capable of performing in the role.

Wildfire meets this need. We’re launching initially for healthcare professionals— but the same approach can be transferred to the emergency services, teaching, and so on.

Are you owned by an agency?

To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete — Richard Buckminster-Fuller

No. We’re a technology company through and through. We can’t solve the inefficiencies and spiralling costs of recruitment if we try to layer something on top of the existing broken agency model.

We’re using our expertise to automate everything and radically improve the experience for employers and candidates alike. We’re cutting down on needless duplication, and changing workflows. We’re also doing interesting things with AI and deep learning to give far better confidence to those looking for candidates to fill mission-critical roles.

The end result really will be what we say — cheaper, faster and better in every way.

When can I try it?

We’re currently in early testing with a handful of users. Once this is done, we’ll be gradually bringing on the first wave of candidates over the next few weeks. If you’re a UK healthcare professional, we’d love you to join them — you can sign up to our waiting list here.

If you’re an employer looking to revolutionise your staffing, you can get in touch here. We’re waiting to hear from you!

