Caralluma Fimbriata | Does it Work as an Appetite Suppressant?

Wendy Franklin
5 min readJun 3, 2020


Caralluma Fimbriata Appetite Suppressant

All you need to know about Caralluma fimbriata

Caralluma Fimbriata is a cactus plant native to many parts of India. Used in a variety of forms, this plant is known for its thirst and appetite suppressant abilities. Increasingly considered to be a weight loss supplement, extensive research has been done to identify short term and long term benefits and side effects associated with its consumption. Here’s everything you need to know about Caralluma Fimbriata.

What is Caralluma Fimbriata?

Caralluma Fimbriata grows naturally in urban areas of India and is often planted as roadside shrubs or border markers. It blooms in the summer season, and they are usually purple, red, yellow, brown, and tan in color.

How do you use it?

It is consumed as a vegetable in the daily diet of several indigenous peoples in India. It is traditionally prepared with spices and salt or eaten raw and can also be used in Indian preserves such as chutney. In its extract form, Caralluma Fimbriata is used as a diet aid and appetite suppressant. But in the United States, the extract of Caralluma Fimbriata is often used as a supplement like premium fusion Caralluma Fimbriata.

Is it safe for consumption?

As a weight loss supplement, side effects from use seem minimal. Caralluma is considered safe for most people when taken for up to 60 days. The only side effects that have been reported on WebMD, the health and medical information Internet resource, are mild stomach upset, flatulence, constipation, and gastritis. Any reported disorder disappears reportedly, with one week of use. However, Caralluma should not be taken if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.

Clinical case study results

Studies have been conducted at the Western Geriatric Research Institute to identify the issues associated with using Caralluma Fimbriata as a weight loss supplement in its extract form. In one study, including 26 overweight patients, over 60 percent of participants who received the active compound experienced weight loss during treatment with the supplement without participants who would experience any adverse reactions to the extract.

Benefits of Caralluma Fimbriata

The health benefits of Caralluma are numerous as it is rich in amino acids, phenols, and dietary fiber. Phenols act as antioxidants and neutralize the free radicals from damaging.

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Improved Digestion

Caralluma comes with high fiber content that could help to improve digestive functioning. It is more useful when you consume it as a vegetable rather than in extract form. It contains around 15% crude fiber, which can maintain intestinal health, lower your cholesterol level, and stabilize bowel movements.

Helps in Lose weight:

Research suggests that Caralluma Fimbriata’s extract can reduce the waist size and feeling of hunger. The appetite suppressing effects of Caralluma can help you to shed your extra pounds. Caralluma Fimbriata extract found useful for reducing weight, BMI, appetite, sodium food craving and hip and waist perimeter after the clinical trial of 12 weeks. The PWS (Prader-Willi Syndrome) is a genetic disease due to the loss of genes that cause learning disability, short height, and excessive appetite. In the clinical trial on PWS children, The 1 gram extract of Caralluma per day for one month reduced the food intake and appetite.

Muscle Building

Caralluma Fimbriata increases the availability of ATP, and its extract help gains lean muscle weight. Moreover, it restored normal muscle appearance with the absence of fat accumulation.

Reduce anxiety and Support Brain Function

In a study in mice, its extract may improve the spatial memory and recognition of objects. The elevated maze test indicates that it also reduced anxiety.

Reduce Blood Sugar

When you consume it as a vegetable, it may help lower the sugar levels in the blood. Animal studies indicate that the consumption of Caralluma’s extract can also promote the enzymes’ activity, lower the glucose level, and regulate its uptake. The research suggests that it could lower the insulin levels in the blood by reducing the effects of DGM (dysfunctional glucose metabolism). Consequently, it can also prevent the liver’s tissue damage.

Suppress appetite:

Caralluma Fimbriata is an appetite suppressant- means it acts directly to the brain’s appetite control center; especially the hypothalamus deceiving your body into thinking it’s full.

Side effects of Caralluma fimbriata

Tribal hunters often consume a handful of Caralluma Fimbriata pieces before hunting to avoid food packaging and hunger for thirst during long hunting trips. In extensive research, Indian university professors, botanists, and holistic health workers attest to its lack of toxicity as a food with no harmful or adverse effects reported among populations with large consumption of Caralluma Fimbriata.

Further research was conducted to identify the safety of Caralluma Fimbriata as an extract taken orally. The Department of Pharmacology at St. Johns Medical College in Bangalore, India, reports extensive research on mice to identify oral toxicity. The rats were administered daily doses of Caralluma Fimbriata comparable to their body weight over a 14 day study period. Tissue examination and research organs later revealed abnormalities in health or organ function to further indicate no long-term effects on physical health by consuming it as an extract.

Limitations and Warnings

The health benefits above described have been tested in the animals and cells. Medical studies and clinical trials with humans are needed to approve Caralluma’s potential benefits, especially in weight control.

But it should be noted that numerous studies included were done by companies manufacturing the extract of Caralluma Fimbriata.

The bottom line

Caralluma Fimbriata is a safe product to use, especially to lose weight. Keep in mind that it always uses it as a supplement to a workout routine and a healthy diet and not in place of it. The recommended dose is 500 milligrams for two months or 60 days. So, limit yourself to the recommended dosage because the long term use may have side effects.

If you are using it as a supplement, purchase from a trustworthy source like Premium Fusion. FDA doesn’t monitor the food supplement, so there could have issues with quality, packaging, strength, and purity. Consult your doctor before using any supplement for weight loss and workout plan, especially when you have been sedentary for a more extended period.

