Is your rest refilling your creative bucket?

Wild Woman Consulting
2 min readMay 26, 2023


La Madre Wilderness Trail — Red Rock Canyon, NV

The older I get, the more intentional I am about everything I do. Rest is very much included in that category.

As creatives and business owners the need to pump out ideas and energy seems endless. Your business success is riding on you being able to market your uniqueness, create outside the box ways to promote yourself and your business to differentiate yourself in a saturated market, and deliver on client promises. Oh yea, and as women we have to hold down a house, most likely manage the finances, and possibly have some kids thrown in the mix. IT’S A LOT and if you are reading this, I am applauding you, please offer that to yourself as well.

Daily and weekly rest, just for you, is essential to be able to step back from all the moving parts of your life in order to be able to see them from a different perspective. In these times of rest, whether short or long, you will most likely have creative bursts, memories needed to help you heal, and general life revelations. This two-step back approach allows your psyche the chance to garden itself — what needs to be pruned, what is dead and ready for fresh soil, what needs to be watered?

What does rest look like for you? It is most likely not one set answer. As we evolve and grow so will how we need to rest. I know for most women we need SILENCE. Utter and complete silence, even for 10 minutes, to get the recharge we need to move forward. I like to couple silence with nature by solo hiking. It allows my body to be in tune with the elements and I find personal healing & creative mojo in these moments. I created this IG video to show a glimpse of what intentional rest looks like for me currently: Virtual & On Site Consulting For Creative Entrepreneurs ( • Instagram photos and videos

The success of your business is directly related to your ability to create time for all of the necessary aspects of your personal life and the actual operations of your business. Creating operating systems that move on their own, coupled with realistic personal schedule creation is a sure way that you can “have it all”. It’s not always perfect but you didn’t choose to become an entrepreneur for perfection. You chose to become an entrepreneur for freedom. Let’s get some of that for you :)

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Wild Woman Consulting

Wild Woman Consulting is a niche consulting firm offering virtual & in-person system implementation to creative solopreneurs & employee-based businesses.