The Endangered Reader Must Be Protected

There are so few of them

Scott Younkin
2 min readJan 23, 2022
Photo by Alexander Schimmeck on Unsplash

Take the RedPill Medium Writer and peel the gauze from your tired eyes. I have discovered a shocking fact that will make you question your Seven Hot Tips and make you spit out that secret sauce. There are only 317 Readers on Medium who will read your entire story, make perceptive comments and leave 50 claps.

Quacks in the Matrix

I know you have seen those articles: 100 million readers! 400,000 members! Incomes of 5000 dollars a month. Rancid balderdash!

If you believe those figures then you sit crushed in your dingy hovel, pausing briefly from your peasant life grubbing potatoes or herding ducks to lament your writing failures. Only 27 reads from a half-million members, my comet has sputtered and crashed into the barn of despair! Or only 100 reads out of 100 million: mere crumbs of a vast Ding-Dong.

But what if 100 reads are actually 31 percent of all possible reads? Your story is blazing! What an accomplishment! Go back to that bubbling well and draw out more sparkling water!

But you say Jessica Wildfire (To drop a name with entirely innocent intent). She presumably has more than 317 readers!

Penn Kname?



Scott Younkin

Interests include health care, photography, eccentric things, dogs. Will he amount to much? Who can say.