What is That Bluebird Hiding?

Is it the Key to Internet Riches?

Scott Younkin
3 min readApr 6, 2022
A Squirrel perched on a pole
What’s that you say? by Author

I was walking my daily 10,000 steps, dreaming of a new Medium story that might crack the 79 cent barrier when I heard a man yelling at his smartphone:

That’s invigoratin’ Chief just invigoratin’

Surely it was a sign. I immediately returned home charged by this chance encounter with a stellar life coach; chock full of vim, ready to pound the keyboard. I saw that as usual, my backyard bluebirds were hiding something from me. What secrets lay beyond that tiny hole?

A Bluebird enters a nest through the hole.
What's he stashing? by Author

Was it the key to internet riches? I knew the bluebirds were raking in the fat Benjamins with their online stories because I saw them paying the rabbit to deliver ripe mealworms in a golf cart.

Then I saw the Mister styling in custom-made Nike Dunk Low Pros. I could smell his Mojave Ghost cologne. And those Cartier Panthere sunglasseshe was the boss.

I made an appointment with his secretary, an up-and-coming fellow named Carpenter Bee, and two weeks later I got ten minutes between the spa treatment and his charter to Pebble for golf with George Bush.



Scott Younkin

Interests include health care, photography, eccentric things, dogs. Will he amount to much? Who can say.