Mud, Kids, and Music

Brittany Williams
3 min readFeb 13, 2018


Initially, these three things may seem to not be related, but they are the three things that have changed my life. I had the opportunity to do all these things over a few different summers working at a summer camp for children and working with kids in other ways including the church, music, and my band.

Mud gave me a chance to be myself. It taught me to have fun without thinking of what other people think, it taught me to laugh unapologetically, and it taught me that fun isn’t always something that comes from an organized activity. It shows that being spontaneous and not worrying what you will have to clean up later is an important part of life that I have always struggled with because I am the kind of person that plans my day down to the minute. I had the opportunity to learn all of this last summer when we mud wrestled in the middle of a summer day, and got mud in so many places it took just as long to clean up.

Mud Wresteling, Summer Camp 2017

Kids are the next thing that changed my life. No matter how bad my days are, or how much I am struggling, having the opportunity to work with children is something that changes it right around, and teaches me so much. I have worked with kids in so many ways, at retreats, at camp, babysitting, at a preschool, volunteering, and every random opportunity to strike up a conversation even just in public.

Band playing for children (left), and field trip with pre-schoolers (right).

Music is the third thing that has changed my life greatly. More specifically Christian music that I have gotten to play for people with my band. I am able to life my passion of creating music and praising God, and it lets me share that with others in a fun and exciting way.

Summer Christian concert (left) and Playing and breaking ice at a middle and high school aged retreat (right).

