Will Sykora
1 min readFeb 28, 2017


I found myself thinking about this in terms of storytelling. I realized you can see both ends if you compare Lost to The Lord of the Rings.

Outside of a basic framework, Lost was written episode by episode (akin to sprint by sprint or feature by feature), with no real clear understanding of how the different storylines would connect and the story end. This left a lot of people unsatisfied with the resolution of the series, and lost viewers along the way. It’s also worth noting how much influence the network/ratings had over the show’s story (not dissimilar to disconnected business initiatives/ or ungrounded KPIs or metrics)

For contrast, if you look at Tolkien’s approach to Lord of the Rings, he had a holistic understanding of the entire story including the resolution. Each chapter was then mapped out and executed in relation to the whole story. Tolkien also maintained creative control (fun fact, his only “stakeholders” for the Hobbit were his kids)

When considering the degrees of success experienced by both, I think there is a pretty compelling case for creatives to take a deconstructionist approach.



Will Sykora

Founder of http://covailnt.com | Trusted freelancer connections for painless collaboration |