A Year in Review 2017

Will Ashton
3 min readJan 1, 2018


2017 was a disappointment.

Not just for me. For many people, 2017 was a prolonged sigh, deflating us by the month, day and minute. It’s January 1st, 2018, and I feel very exhausted.

I’m still in a place of reflection. I think a lot —maybe too much — and I can’t help thinking about all my shortcomings this past year. I wouldn’t call 2017 an outright failure. I did some great things. I reconnected with good people. I started two podcasts, Cinemaholics and It Ain’t Ogre ’Til It’s Ogre, that I love. But I can’t help feeling like I could’ve done more, especially when I look back at the post I made around this time the year prior. I was similarly weary but optimistic. It’s striking, saddening and telling that I’m basically in the same place, both physically and emotionally. In fact, in quite a few ways, I feel older and bluer and more burdened than I was 12 months prior. And that sucks.

So I need to make a lot of changes. I’m sure a lot of people do too. But I’m going to turn 25 this year, and I don’t feel like I am making the most of my time and my life. I know that in one year’s time, I’m not magically going to be happy and fulfilled. It’s an ongoing process that definitively feels unfinished. But I don’t want to be gloomy and negative on New Year’s. I think, if anything, New Year’s Day is a great time to try to pick yourself up and try better. Because that’s kinda the only way you can feel. Otherwise, you basically quit.

So, with that in mind, I want to write down some goals for myself for 2018.

  1. Try to watch one film a day. It doesn’t have to be a new one, or one you haven’t seen before. You watched less movies in 2017 than you have any other year in the past 10 years. That’s strange. And maybe that’s true to life. But try to kick back and watch at least one a day. It’ll probably be healthier for you, and it’ll probably make you happier. Also, participate in the 52 Movies by Women campaign. Expand your horizons. You need to.
  2. Write and create more creative content. It’ll replenish the soul. It’s good.
  3. Really, really, really try to move. As soon as possible, even. You might need to beg people or maybe do something drastic. You’re growing complacent.
  4. Try again to read 50 books. Last year, you had the same goal and you fell short. Like, way short. You didn’t even get halfway there. Remedy that.
  5. Pitch more. Sure, it’s really hard, but just keeping trying man. It’s better than not pitching. I know it’s really hard. Just keeping pushing forward.
  6. Try to start writing that book or one of those screenplays. You had the same goal last year and it’s really important that you actually honor it.
  7. Lose some weight. It’ll make you skinner and maybe even happier! Do it!
  8. Try to spend less time on social media. It doesn’t do you any good. Spend that time writing, reading, watching or do something that helps you grow.
  9. Check more things off your reading list, watchlist or any list, really.
  10. I dunno, maybe try to get back into dating? It might not happen. But try.
  11. Keep getting better as a podcaster. You have a good thing going right now.

That’s all I got for now. Be good man. Check back with you one year later.



Will Ashton

Will Ashton is an entertainment writer. He also co-hosts the weekly film podcast Cinemaholics for We Got This Covered. Follow him on Twitter @thewillofash.