Interesting facts about sugar cubes that you must know

Trina Willa
2 min readApr 26, 2018


You must know that sugar is mainly used as a sweetener in food. However, there are many other uses of sugar cubes that you will be amazed to know. Perhaps in your kitchen, you may keep the sugar cubes only for cooking. But have you ever thought that except sweetener, you can use sugar cubes for numerous purposes? Isn’t it sounding interesting?

There are different types of white sugar and black sugar available in the market such as Breakfast sugar, Candy Sugar, Sugar cubes, icing cubes etc. which you can purchase from one of the best sugar cubes shop in Commercial Street according to your requirement. In this article, we are going to discuss the exceptional use of sugar cubes that can create astonishment in your mind.

Champak Feeds And Foods

List of unusual uses of sugar:

Get ease from a burning tongue

Do you have a singed tongue? When you are too busy in grabbing a piping hot pizza, then chances are there the cheese will stick to your tongue and you will feel severe burning sensation. Put sugar cubes in your mouth which will help in easing the pain.

Eliminates bad smells from containers

Sometimes despite you have cleaned the containers, it smells musty which is not ready for use. Now eliminate the musty smell while putting some sugar cubes into it.

Save cake and cookies from stale

If you sprinkle few sugar cubes in the box containing, cakes, or cookies, then it will stay fresh for a longer time because sugar cubes will save your favourite cookies from getting stale.

Avoid fishy smells from the kitchen

Have you cooked fish for your family? Is your kitchen being full of fishy smell? Ignite some sugar cubes in a pan and banish the smell within no time. The caramelized smell will diminish the smell from the kitchen.

Champak Feeds And Foods

Mould free cheese

You must have cheddar cheese in your kitchen. In order to prevent your favourite cheese from moulds, store the slices with some sugar cubes and see the difference.

Best sugar cubes shop in Commercial Street:

As we all know that, sugar cubes are essential for our daily cooking, hence you can buy best sugar cubes on Commercial Street from Champak Feeds and Foods. We strictly adhere to quality and taste. What are you waiting for? Pay a visit to our shop.

