Meditation For Beginners — Step Ten: What Do You Give

Will Cady
2 min readMay 10, 2023

Step 10 in the Beginner’s Guide To Meditation series.

(Step 9 / Step 11)

What do you give? This is the opposite of ‘what do you receive’ — what we meditated on during the last step. In the way that ‘what you receive’ is on your left, ‘what you give’ is on your right. It’s the inverse of a lot of those same faculties. You’re working with the wealth of experiences, of sensory phenomena, in your inner world — but not from the standpoint of receptivity, but of creativity.

‘What you give’ is about what you put out there. It’s about recognizing how you influence the people and the places around you from the inner experiences that abide in your unconscious self.

This is where a lot of creativity comes from.

The goal is to gain command of the creative power of your presence in this world.

The two meditations ‘what you receive’ and ‘what you give’ together can connect you as an open channel for the community you are a part of. To create is a matter of listening before you speak. Hearing before you play. Being a part of the dialogue. That’ s dancing with culture.

That dance is very much done on the current between these two direction — what you receive and what you give.

So, just as you did with the ‘what you receive’ meditation — engaging with some of the different inner sense that arise — do the same with ‘what you give’ but be a little bit more active about it. Think about what you want to put out into the world. Think about what you want to create and see if you can actually create it in your mind, in your heart, in your inner space.

Imagine what it is that you want to have in your life; to see become real in this world. What does it look like? What does it smell like? What does it feel like? What are all of the dimensions of sensory experience to behold what it is you want to create? See that form come to life — inside.

You might even have the incredible experience after this meditation where you have a moment that you see you’ve also created it on the outside. That it has come true. That, my friend, is manifestation. It starts on the inside first.

What do you give? What happens if you take mindful control over that thought? That’s something worth thinking about.



Will Cady

Reddit’s Global Brand Ambassador // Maker // Marketer // Mystic // Adweek Top 50 Tech, Media, and Marketing // Views expressed here are my own