Meditation For Beginners — Step Twelve: What Shines Upon You

Will Cady
3 min readMay 12, 2023

Step 12 in the Beginner’s Guide To Meditation series.

(Step 11 / Step 13)

What shines upon you? Now this, just like in the difference between ‘what you receive’ and ‘what you give’ is the inverse of ‘what you rest upon’.

Where ‘what you rest upon’ is about what grounds you and is about contending with who you are, ‘what shines upon you’ is the inverse. It’s where you can call in who want to be…who you could be, if you would only believe it.

This is what activates you. This is the spotlight. This is an exploration of your inspiration — of the exciting dream that you can be anything you imagine. It’s stepping into the light of belief in the miracle of your life. What if you could do it. What if? How would you act right now?

There are energies that we receive in life that empower us to believe in the adjacent possible — or just the possible. This is your invitation to explore what’s possible not just for other people, but for you. Where ‘what you rest upon’ points you toward the soil of the Earth underneath you, ‘what shines upon you’ points you toward the light from the Sun that all life on the Earth feeds off of. It’s what we reach towards. It’s what we aspire for.

These two energies are married. After grounding, it’s so healthy to sit with activation — to believe that you can become what you want to be. That’s what this direction’s meditation is all about.

Similar to how grounding is about allowing your imagination to travel down to the core of the Earth, this meditation invites your imagination to climb upwards. Up through the ceiling or whatever is above your head, past the roof, into the sky and into whatever the cosmos are above you.

Is the Sun above you? Is the Moon above you? Are the Stars above you? Can you imagine the shape of the solar system? Do you know where all the planets are? Can you imagine even further and comprehend your place in our galaxy? How big can your vision get?

The scope of your imagination’s ability to see what’s above you is a deciding factor for how much inspiration and perspective you can call in. How big can you go? You want big, earth-shaking ideas that hit like a lightning bolt? This is where they come from.

This meditation is truly very, very fun and very, very imaginative because you’re dancing with possibilities. Together, on this access of the other direction that grounds you, you can start to create a dialogue between who you are and what you can be.

What shines upon you?

What is your light?

What’s giving you opportunity?

What’s unique about right now?

What is happening for you that you might you need to open your eyes to by closing your eyes and focusing what you might be missing?



Will Cady

Reddit’s Global Brand Ambassador // Maker // Marketer // Mystic // Adweek Top 50 Tech, Media, and Marketing // Views expressed here are my own