Will Cusic
1 min readJun 16, 2016



I generally give people the benefit of the doubt. I am a generally loving, accepting person. I believe there are more good people than there are bad and that there is hope for people as a whole.

However, it would be naïve of me to have enough faith in people to think that they will not do bad things. I believe in the 2nd Amendment and I legally own guns because there are sinister, twisted people out there who will commit evil acts of violence, and I feel it is my obligation to protect my loved ones and those around me from such monstrous people. We can proclaim the gospel and love one another all day long, but it would be foolish to think we can peacefully negotiate with these horrible people and prevent them from acting on their malicious thoughts and intentions. I will treat one another as I would like to be treated and be kind to everyone I meet and all that good stuff, but I will firmly stand by my right to defend the innocent people who keep getting targeted and unjustly murdered by these coward terrorists.

Don’t get me wrong. I see the good in people. I have faith in humanity- but not blind faith.



Will Cusic

Clemson '18. Army ROTC. Conservatarian. Fitness. Golf. Reading.