What does the UWA Guild Council Look like?

A quick Analysis of what the UWA Guild council make up looks like

will the schmil
3 min readApr 12, 2023

By Schmilly
At Local levels partisanship and what political parties look like starts to break down. The benefits of being in a political party start to become less and less evident, and individual personality are able to carry a candidate a lot further than any benefits the candidate could receive from a party. Indeed parties are often reluctant to support candidates that have marginal effects on the larger scale governance at state or federal levels. Not to mention many local councils often have enforced non-partisanship explicitly.

Brief Diversion aside, in my continual quest to both procrastinate and as well as to fulfill the deep chasm in my where people should be, I have attempted to create a wikipedia-like visual overview of the guild council.

Sourcing from the West Australian Electoral Commission itself the Guild is made up of 10 specific positions, and 13 Councilors, all of which are directly elected by Students every year.¹

Using great tool found here (designed for Wikipedia) We can get a layout to work off:

The Executive (With Labels — added by yours truly)

A Very useful tools, let’s figure out what each member is.

Starting with the executive:

President: JAYAWICKRAMA, Geemal ~ Spark
Has made several posts to Facebook supporting and clearly was elected with the support of Spark (Yellow) Specific post found here

President of Society Council: PARTRIDGE, Will ~ Spark
Main photo posted on his Facebook shows him shouting out spark, found here

President of Education Council: MELLOR, Holly ~ Spark
Tagged with group of other spark, photo here (3rd row, far right)

President of Public Affairs Council: SHRIMALI, Taniya ~ Spark
Facebook profile shows another Spark Supporter, with specific spark branding here

General Secretary: DALE, Lara ~ Spark
Tagged in group photo, to the left of Holly

Women’s Officer: UGLE, Taleah ~ Spark
Same as above, 3rd row, 2nd from left

International Student Service Director: TIMBADIA, Rutvi ~ Global
Facebook post found here talks about how they are running under banner of global in PFP change

Environment Officer: GILMARTIN, Sofie ~ Spark
Group photo, 2nd row, Far Right

Welfare Officer: ABRAHAMS, Kaelin ~ Spark
Group Photo, center 2nd row

Sport Representative: TUBBY, Liam ~ Spark
In Group photo, also poster about it here

Leaving us with Guild Council looking like this:

Really shows how much spark dominated in the election, only International Student Service Director where Spark didn’t get in, and only then they didn’t run a candidate for the position

Lets take a look at the Guild Council itself:

13 Councilors elected total:

PIETRZAK, Joe ~ Spark (Here)
CHEUNG, Sean ~ Left Action/SAlt (posted about on his facebook)
ALDERSLADE, Luke ~ Star (Tagged in Star group photo here)
SHAH, Dhyey ~ Spark (Here)
KRIPALANI, Drishti ~ Global (Tagged in this Post)
LUI, Ashley ~ Global (Here)
ABDUL RAMAN, Aishya ~ Star (Tagged in Star Post)
NGUYEN, John ~ Spark (Here)
MASON, Cooper De ~ Launch (Here)
AlWIS, Melani ~ Star (Here)
BRUCE, Claudia ~ Spark (Personally Know, and also on profile)
CARTER, Bradley ~ Spark (Group Photo, Centre Back Row, also personally know)
SHARMA, Kajol ~ Star (Tagged in this Start Post)

That leads us to a Councilor Composition looking like this:

Dark Red = Left Action, Yellow = Spark, Blue = Global, Green = Start, Red = Launch

Anyway hope that is at least slightly interesting to someone.



  1. WAEC. (2023) University of Western Australia Student Guild 2022 Elections. Retrieved April 12, 2023, from https://www.elections.wa.gov.au/elections/other/organisations#/29/04900000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000

