10 Tricks to Slash Car Expenses

Used Cars Dealership
3 min readJan 9, 2018


The expenses surrounding your car can be some of the highest. If you do not take care when driving you may be paying hundreds or thousands more then you should. Here are a few ways you can save money on your car expenses.

Image — premierchoiceaz.com

1. Drive Less Aggressively

When you drive aggressively you are pressing the gas, then the break, and then back to the gas. You use gas every time you press the pedal so the more often you change your speed, the more you will be spending on gas.

2. Just Cruise

If you find yourself struggling with aggressive driving, try cruise control. It will force you to manage your speed and press the pedal much less. Thus, saving you money on gas.

3. Avoid Idle

Another time you use gas, maybe without even realizing it, is when your car is set to idle. You may be sitting in the car waiting to pick up your kids or waiting to pick up friends, you are still using up gas. Turn your car off and you will instantly conserve.

4. Easy on The AC

When you use the air conditioning in your car at the coolest of temperatures you are decreasing your MPG. Avoid this but turning up the heat or rolling down the windows.

5. Treat Your Car Right

Give your car a little TLC. When you treat your car right you help get the best out of your MPG and decrease the amount of work required on your car. Make sure you are giving your car the right kind of motor oil and keeping it filled up.

6. Inflate Your Tires

Part of making sure your car is well taken care of is by keeping the tires inflates, especially during weather changes when they can fluctuate. When done, milage can be improved by 3.3%.

7. Get The App

There is an app for everything! Including apps that help you find the cheapest gas in your area. You can easily drive a few streets down and save plenty at the pump.

8. Credit Card Benefits

Look into your credit card benefits. You may have the option to receive cash back on all gas purchases. If not, consider a credit card that does have these benefits. You will routinely receive cash back.

9. Should You Switch Your Insurance?

When was the last time you went shopping for car insurance? Has it been a while? Then how are you sure you are getting the best deal? Take the time to look around and make sure you are getting the best deal.

10. Is Your Insurance Worth it?

Depending on the age of your car, you may be paying more for your insurance then the car is worth. If so, drop your insurance and consider visiting a used car dealership.

You can save money on your car in multiple ways. From visiting a used car dealership to driving safer, there is no reason why you cannot cut your expenses this month.

