William Bitters Highlights 3 of the Best Financial Reads by Patrick Kelly

William Bitters
3 min readAug 19, 2019


The world of finance can be quite confusing — from mergers and acquisitions, to Wall Street and investment deals, finance can be easily misunderstood. Although some people are natural born financial experts, most of us are not. Perhaps math isn’t their strong suit, or maybe, they find it difficult to keep up with the ever changing, always evolving financial market.

Whether you’re a finance wiz who wants to better understand the history of your industry, or if you need further guidance on what exactly finance is and how you can properly manage your money so that you’re set for retirement, it’s important to educate yourself. That’s how William Bitters, president of United Financial Information Services (UFIS) started out, and he hasn’t stopped even now as a top-level financial executive. For William Bitters, educating himself by digging into the best financial reads, and in particular, works by Patrick Kelly has kept his knowledge sharp so that he can better serve his clients best interests.

According to William Bitters, these three financial reads by Patrick Kelly will give you some valuable information on the financial market, and in particular, how to prepare for a successful, stress-free retirement.

1. The Five Retirement Myths

William Bitters states that whether you’ve just entered the workforce, or are nearing retirement, this book is a must-read. For most of us, we’ve encountered a lot of outdated and exaggerated information about retirement that is no longer accurate or applicable today. In this work, Patrick Kelly debunks five common retirement myths that can devastate a person’s retirement success. The myths debunked are as follows:

1. Buy and hold always wins.

2. You can’t make big returns without taking big risks.

3. Average returns tell an accurate story.

4. You can effectively manage your own portfolio.

5. If something is really that good, everyone would be doing it.

If you’re serious about learning more about why these myths exist, or want to grasp more control of your retirement success, The Five Retirement Myths would be a perfect read for you.

2. Tax-Free Retirement

If you’re looking for more guidance on how to generate tax-free retirement income, give this book a read. In his work Tax-Free Retirement, Patrick Kelly offers an interesting and in-depth look into using life insurance as an investment tool. He also explains how to avoid nine common “financial landmines,” helping you leave a lasting legacy.

3. Stress-Free Retirement

William Bitters states that if you are nearing retirement age then you must give this insightful read some serious consideration. Stress-Free Retirement by Patrick Kelly is as uplifting as it is educating. In this book, Kelly shows today’s current retiree, and future retirees how to eliminate the hassles and stresses of the complex investment landscape we live in. This book will help to simplify the investment jargon and clear up any confusion you may have.

William Bitter’s Final Thoughts

While complex, the world of finance is truly an interesting thing. It is a source of endless material for writers and financial experts to share their stories in some of the most fascinating reads. Financial professionals, or those interested in learning more about managing their investments, would be wise to pick up any of these above recommended books by Patrick Kelly.

Learn more about how to successfully manage your retirement income planning today.

