William Carr
2 min readJun 22, 2016


Some of your points are accurate, and some are cheap shots you should be ashamed of.

The “Communist” line should have set off warning lights the first moment you penned it.

“Do you know why the newspaper with the articles like ‘Girl 12 raped by 14 men’ sell so well? To what in us are they appealing?””

This was another obviously weak attack. He was writing about the titillation faction in the media, that we’re all familiar with now.

That doesn’t mean he is a pedophile. Delete that claim.

“This was a year after he and his second wife, Jane O’Meara Sanders, traveled to the USSR for their honeymoon”

It wasn’t their honeymoon, and you should be ashamed you fell for the claim.

You don’t take 12 OTHER people from your city on your Honeymoon.

That by itself should be obvious. It was a “Sister City” exchange visit.

“Committed environmental racism when he co-sponsored a bill to send nuclear waste from Vermont and Maine to be dumped on a poor Latino community in Sierra Blanca, Texas.”

Bullshit. A medical waste disposal company got the contract to dispose of medical waste in Vermont.

This contained stuff like latex gloves and scrap metal; having been used in an Oncology Ward, it was very low-level radioactive.

Burying it in casks is an effective way of dealing with stuff like this, that won’t be hazardous for long. And it won’t harm people in the vicinity due to being buried.

What you need is a Fact-Checker, because you’re not able to do the work yourself.

I can’t recommend your story until you clean it up.

The stuff about Reddit, Chuck Todd, and the Speech Transcripts was fairly good, pending verification.

Edit down to the stuff that’s verifiable, and you might have something.

